90th Session of the Executive Committee



    The Executive Committee,

Having examined the report presented by the Director on the study of the functions of the Area Offices of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (Document CE90/11);

Bearing in mind Resolution XII of the XXVIII Meeting of the Directing Council and Resolution XVI of the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference on this subject; and

Mindful of the provisions of the Regional Plan of Action outlining the need to increase the operating capacity of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to support national and regional processes


1. To commend the Director for the study contained in Document CE90/11.

2. To transmit the study of the functions of the Area Offices of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (Document CE90/11) to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council.

3. To recommend to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council that it adopt the following

June 1983 OD 190, 30




    The Executive Committee,

Having considered the report of the Director on the collection of quota contributions (Document CE90/24 and Add. I);

Noting that, of the three Member Governments with approved payment plans for liquidating their arrears, only one country had made a partial payment as of the date of issuance of Addendum I to Document CE90/24;

Bearing in mind the provisions of Article 6.B of the Constitution of PAHO relating to the suspension of voting privileges of Governments failing to meet their financial obligations;

Considering the importance of prompt and full payment of quota contributions to assure the financing of the authorized program and budget and to maintain the Organization in a sound financial position; and

Taking into consideration the findings and recommendations of the Director's study on the constitutional and regulatory provisions governing the payment of quota contributions in WHO and PAHO,


1. To take note of the report of the Director on the collection of quota contributions (Document CE90/24 and Add. I).

2. To thank the Governments that have already made payments in 1983, and to urge other Governments to pay their current quotas as early as possible in the year they are due so that the work of the Organization can continue and the financial burden of its program can be spread fairly among all Members.

3. To thank the Director for completing the study on quota payments requested at the 88th Meeting of the Executive Committee and to accept the recommendations contained therein.

4. To request the Director to continue to inform the Governments of any balances due, and to report to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council on the status of the collection of quota contributions.1

June 1983 OD 190, 31




    The Executive Committee,

Having examined the Interim Financial Report of the Director for the year 1982 (Official Document 189); and

Recognizing that the Organization continues to be in a sound financial condition,


1. To take note of the Interim Financial Report of the Director for the year 1982 (Official Document 189).

2. To transmit the Interim Financial Report of the Director for the year 1982 to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council.

June 1983 OD 190, 32




    The Executive Committee,

Considering Document CE90/17, which examined the question of the distribution of the financial resources of PAHO, the presentation by the Working Group which prepared that document, and the ensuing discussion; and

Bearing in mind Resolutions XVI of the XXVIII Meeting of the Directing Council and XIV of the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference, which requested the Director to study the allocation of PAHO budget resources among Member Countries,


1.To recommend to Member Countries that they continue examining the study recommendations prior to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council.

2.To recommend to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council that it adopt the following resolution:1

June 1983 OD 190, 32




    The Executive Committee,

Having considered the amendments to the Staff Rules of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau submitted by the Director in the Annex to Document CE90/3 ;

Recognizing the need for uniformity of conditions of employment of PASB and WHO staff;

Bearing in mind the provision of Staff Rule 020;

Mindful of the Director's recommendation to introduce the end of service grant with effect from 1 July 1983; and

Bearing in mind that the Area Offices will probably be eliminated by the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council with effect from 1 January 1984, as proposed in Resolution 1 of this meeting of the Executive Committee,


1. To confirm the amendments to the Staff Rules of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau submitted by the Director in the Annex to Document CE90/3 , with effect from 1 January 1983.

2. To confirm the introduction into the Staff Rules of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau of the following Rule 375, with effect from 1 July 1983:


A staff member holding a fixed-term appointment whose appointment is not renewed after he has completed ten years of continuous qualifying service shall be entitled to a grant based on his years of service unless he has either received and declined an offer of renewal of his appointment or has reached 60 years of age. The amount of the grant shall be fixed according to the schedule in Rule 1050.4 for termination of temporary fixed-term appointments.

3. To confirm the amendments to Staff Rules 380.2.1, 655.2.3, and 750.2 to include a reference to the end-of-service grant.

4. To authorize the Director to make the necessary changes in Staff Rule 1230.2, with effect from 1 January 1984, in the event that the Area Offices are eliminated, without prejudice to the subsequent presentation of these amendments to the 92nd Meeting of the Executive Committee.

June 1983 OD 190, 33




    The Executive Committee,

Having examined the provisional agenda (Document CD29/1 ) prepared by the Director for the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council of PAHO, XXXV Meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas, presented as Annex to Document CE90/8, Rev. 1; and

Bearing in mind the provisions of Article 12.C of the Constitution of the Pan American Health Organization and Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the Directing Council,


To approve the provisional agenda (Document CD29/1 ) prepared by the Director for the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council of PAHO, XXXV Meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas, with the addition of a new item "The Role of Nursing Personnel in Primary Health Care."

June 1983 OD 190, 34

Note: The 92nd Meeting of the Executive Committee, in its sixth plenary session (held 27 June 1984), decided to approve the provisional agenda (Document CD31/1) prepared by the Director for the XXX Meeting of the Directing Council of PAHO, XXXVI Meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas, after the introduction of several modifications proposed during the discussion of this matter, but did not approve a resolution in that regard.




    The Executive Committee,

Noting that the Special Subcommittee on Women in Health and Development, in compliance with Resolution XXVII of the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference, met to monitor the program and review achievements; and

Having reviewed the report of the Special Subcommittee on Women in Health and Development (Document CE90/5, Add. 1).


To recommend to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council that it approve the following resolution: 1

June 1983 OD 190, 35




    The Executive Committee,

Bearing in mind Resolution IV of the 86th Meeting of the Executive Committee, Resolution XVI of the XXVIII Meeting of the Directing Council, Resolution XVII of the 88th Meeting of the Executive Committee, and Resolution XIV of the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference;

Considering that the provisional draft of the program budget has been the subject of further study by the Governments and of consultations with them to determine their latest desires and requirements;

Having carefully examined the proposed program budget of the Pan American Health Organization for the biennium 1984–1985 (Official Document 187);

Considering the recommendations and suggestions, contained in the records of this meeting, made by this Executive Committee concerning the format of Official Document 187 and the programs contained therein;

Recognizing that the 1984–1985 contribution by the Government of Argentina for support of the Pan American Zoonoses Center continues under negotiation;

Taking into consideration the estimate made by the Director that $2 million may be available in Miscellaneous Income in addition to the $2,800,000 contained in the original proposal; and

Bearing in mind Article 14.C of the Constitution of the Pan American Health Organization and Article III, paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6, of the PAHO Financial Regulations,


1.To express appreciation to the Director and his staff for the impressive presentation of the proposed program budget for 1984–1985 and for the informative responses to questions of the Executive Committee.

2.To recommend to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council that it approve the proposed program budget of the Pan American Health Organization for the biennium 1984–1985, with an effective working budget of $104,320,000, by adopting the corresponding appropriation and assessment resolutions.

3.To recommend that the appropriation be financed by assessments to Member and Participating Governments as well as $4,800,000 in Miscellaneous Income.

4.To urge the Director to continue to refine the budget proposals, taking into account the recommendations and suggestions made by the Executive Committee in the revision of Official Document 187, for presentation to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council.

June 1983 OD 190, 37




    The Executive Committee,

Considering that the Director has proposed the dates 26 September - 7 October 1983 for the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council of PAHO, XXXV Meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas;

Bearing in mind Articles 12.A and 14.A of the Constitution of the Pan American Health Organization and Rule 1 of the Rules of Procedure of the Directing Council, and

Mindful of the wish expressed by the Representatives of the Member Governments to shorten the meetings of the Governing Bodies as much as possible without detriment to the important work done in them,


1.To authorize the Director to convoke the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council of PAHO, XXXV Meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas, to meet at the Headquarters building in Washington, D.C., from 26 September to 7 October 1983.

2.To urge the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council to seek suitable ways of shortening the meetings of the Governing Bodies without detriment to the work done in them.

June 1983 OD 190, 38




    The Executive Committee,

Having seen the document presented by the Director on this topic (Document CE90/21);

Mindful of the provisions of Rule 7 of the Rules for Technical Discussions; and

In view of the proposal that Technical Discussions be held only in even years, in which there are no proposed biennial budgets to be approved,


To recommend to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council that, if the proposal to hold Technical Discussions only in even years is not approved, it adopt the following resolution: 1

June 1983 OD 190, 38




    The Executive Committee,

Having examined the preliminary report submitted by the Director on the situation in the Region of the Americas with regard to the strategies for health for all by the year 2000 (Document CE90/4, Add. I );

Bearing in mind that the goals and objectives approved by the Member Governments in 1980 and ratified in 1981 underscore the need for a systematic evaluation and monitoring of the process for attaining the goal of health for all;

Considering that, in agreement with the World Health Organization, four regional evaluations are to be made, the first in 1983 and the others in 1989, 1995, and 2001;: and

Recognizing that the initial evaluation must establish a baseline for monitoring, analyzing, and estimating the progress made toward attaining the goal of health for all by the year 2000.


1. To note with appreciation the preliminary report submitted by the Director in Document CE90/4, Add. I .

2. To request the Director to transmit the report to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council.

June 1983 OD 190, 39




    The Executive Committee,

Having studied the report presented by the Standing Subcommittee of the Executive Committee charged with reviewing the list of nongovernmental organizations in relations with PAHO,


1. To confirm relations with the Latin American Association of Pharmaceutical Industries (ALIFAR), the Latin American Federation of Hospitals, the Latin American Federation of the Pharmaceutical Industry (FIFARMA), and the Pan American Federation of Associations of Medical Schools (FEPAFEM).

2. To continue relations with the Inter-American Council of Psychiatric Associations on a provisional basis in the understanding that, if no collaborative activities have materialized within the next 12 months, it will be recommended to the Executive Committee in its 92nd Meeting that those relations be suspended.

3. To suspend relations with the Pan American Medical Confederation.

June 1983 OD 190, 40




    The Executive Committee,

Having examined the progress report presented by the Director on the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) in the Americas (Document CE90/15),


To recommend to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council that it adopt the following resolution:1

June 1983 OD 190, 40




    The Executive Committee,

Having examined the study on the holding of Technical Discussions during meetings of the Directing Council and the Pan American Sanitary Conference (Document CE90/20) prepared in compliance with Resolution XXVI of the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference; and

Aware of the need to enable the Governing Bodies to give all necessary time to the study and approval of the proposed biennial program budgets of the Pan American Health Organization, without detriment to the interest and importance that must attach to the holding of Technical Discussions of the highest quality,


To request the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council to approve the following resolution: 1

June 1983 OD 190, 42




    The Executive Committee,

Having seen the report on the III Inter-American Meeting, at the Ministerial Level, on Animal Health 1 (Document CE90/16 );

Recognizing that the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Zoonoses Centers perform a fundamental role in the programs of veterinary public health and animal health in the Hemisphere;

Being aware that the technical cooperation of these two Centers is essential in supporting the consolidation of national programs for the prevention, control, and eradication of zoonoses and foot-and-mouth disease;

Considering that the delegates of the countries participating in the III Inter-American Meeting, at the Ministerial Level, on Animal Health (RIMSA III) unanimously approved the proposed programs and budgets of the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Zoonoses Centers for 1984–1985 and recommended their approval to the Governing Bodies of PAHO; and

Having taken note of the special contributions of the Governments of Argentina for the new facilities for the Pan American Zoonoses Center and Brazil for the improvement of the premises of the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center.


1.To take note of the report of the III Inter-American Meeting, at the Ministerial Level, on Animal Health (Document CE90/16 ).

2.To express appreciation for the important contribution of the two Centers.

3.To commend the Ministers of Agriculture of the Region for the support given to the Centers and the financial cooperation provided for the execution of specific projects.

4.To thank the Governments of Argentina and Brazil for their valuable contributions to improve the facilities of the two Centers.

June 1983 OD 190, 43




    The Executive Committee,

Having examined the report of the Award Committee of the PAHO Award for Administration (Document CE90/12. Add. I);

Bearing in mind the provisions of the Procedure and Guidelines for conferring the PAHO Award for Administration; and

Considering the importance of encouraging a higher level of competence in the administration of health services,


1. To note the decision of the Award Committee to confer the PAHO Award for Administration, 1983, on Dr. Arnaldo Tejeiro Fernández of Cuba, for the contribution to and social impact of his work in his country's National Health Service.

2. To transmit the report of the Award Committee of the PAHO Award for Administration (Document CE90/12, Add. I) to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council.

June 1983 OD 190, 44




    The Executive Committee,

Having considered the Director's presentation on the availability of appropriations to finance outstanding legal obligations from prior financial periods (Document CE90/25, Rev. 1),


1. To approve the changes in the Financial Rules of the Pan American Health Organization as they appear in Document CE90/25, Rev. 1.

2. To recommend to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council that it give favorable consideration to the request of the Director and to the amendments to the Financial Regulations of the Pan American Health Organization included in Document CE90/25, Rev. 1 , by adopting the following resolution: 1

June 1983 OD 190, 44




    The Executive Committee,

Having seen Resolution XXIX of the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference;

Mindful of Resolution WHA28.72 1 of the Twenty-eighth World Health Assembly; and

Informed of the report of the Consultative Meeting on strategies for strengthening blood transfusion services in Latin America and the Caribbean in 1990, held in Washington, D.C., from 22–25 February 1983,


1. To thank the Director for the measures taken in accordance with Resolution XXIX of the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference.

2. To take note of the recommendations made in the report of the aforementioned Consultative Meeting, with special attention to the ethical aspects of the matter.

3. To urge Member Governments that have not yet done so to frame policies for the preparation of a national blood transfusion program.

4. To recommend to the Directing Council that it approve the proposed regional program of work, drawn up in the Consultative Meeting, for strengthening blood transfusion services in Latin America and the Caribbean during the period 1984–1990, for implementation as available funding permits.

5. To request the Directing Council to recommend to the Director that he take the requisite action for the final formulation, financing, and implementation of the regional program.

6. To request the Director to present to the 92nd Meeting of the Executive Committee a report on the implementation of the program.

June 1983 OD 190, 45




    The Executive Committee,

Having seen the document presented by the Director on this subject (Document CE90/6),


To recommend to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council that it approve the following resolution: 1

June 1983 OD 190, 46




    The Executive Committee,

Having examined the report on the evaluation of the Latin American Center for Educational Technology in Health (CLATES) (Document CE90/18),


To recommend to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council that it approve a resolution couched in the following terms: 1

June 1983 OD 190, 47




    The Executive Committee,

Having reviewed the report submitted by the Director (Document CE90/13) on action taken by Member Governments regarding infant and young child nutrition and the status of compliance with and implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes approved by Resolution WHA34.22   2  of the Thirty-fourth World Health Assembly;

Noting that, while many Member Governments are taking useful measures related to improving infant and young child feeding, few Member Governments have adopted and adhere to the International Code as a "minimum requirement" and have implemented it "in its entirety," as called for in Resolution WHA34.22; and

Recognizing the importance of sound infant and young child nutrition for the future health and development of the child and adult,


1. To thank the Director for the progress report on this important matter.

2. To inform the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council on the results of the Organization's efforts in support of infant and young child nutrition in the Region.

3. To recommend to the XXIX Meeting of the Directing Council that it adopt the following resolution: 1

June 1983 OD 190, 48




    The Executive Committee,

Considering that the 24th of July of this year marks the bicentennial of the birth of that great luminary in the history of the Americas, Simón Bolívar;

Considering that for his contribution to the independence of the American republics he is rightly called "the Liberator";

Considering the Pan American character of the intellectual legacy of Simón Bolívar; and

Considering that it was thanks to Simón Bolívar that the Amphictyonic Congress of Panama, the first attempt to develop solidarity and cooperation among the Governments in the Hemisphere, was convened.


1. To approve a special vote in tribute to the memory of Simón Bolívar on the bicentennial of his birth.

2. To request the Director to transmit this decision to the Member Governments of the Organization.

3. To convey this resolution formally to the authorities of the Government of Venezuela in charge of the commemoration of the Simón Bolívar bicentennial.

June 1983 OD 190, 50




    The Executive Committee,

Having seen the work done by the Secretariat to present the topics submitted for its consideration;

Having taken account of the changes that the Director is making to maximize the work of the Organization for the most successful accomplishment of its purposes; and

Cognizant of the extraordinary gifts that adorn the person of Ms. Lea Guido, Representative of Nicaragua, and the sensitivity, affability, and firmness with which she conducted the discussions of the Meeting,


1. To thank the Secretariat for the manner in which it presented the topics to the Meeting.

2. To thank the Director for the manner in which he presented his reports, describing a process of change requested through the Governing Bodies.

3. To voice its support for the work that the Director is doing, and its wish that he continue to seek new ways of operating which help to satisfy the needs and wants of the peoples of the Americas.

4. To put on record its appreciation to Ms. Lea Guido, of Nicaragua, for the skill and affability with which she presided over the proceedings of the Meeting.

June 1983 OD 190, 51