XXVIII Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization


CD28.R12    The Directing Council,

 Considering that the administrative and technical strengthening of the Offices of Country Representatives is a policy approved by the Governing Bodies of PAHO;

 Bearing in mind that significant progress has been made in this direction in recent years;

 Considering that the functions and responsibilities on both the technical and the administrative levels of some of the Offices of Area Representatives have been reduced concurrent with the expansion of those of the Offices of Country Representatives;

 Noting that about 8.4 per cent of the regular budget of the Organization is allocated every year to the Offices of Area Representatives; and

 Concerned that the funds of the Organization be put to the best possible use,


 To request the Director:

1. To draw up methodological guidelines for evaluating the effectiveness of measures entrusted to the Areas that make up the Pan American Health Organization;

2. That in each Area a working group in formal consultation with representatives of its constituent countries be set up within the budgetary limits approved by the Directing Council to make this evaluation in accordance with the established guidelines;

3. To consolidate and issue a report on the progress of that evaluation for the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference.

Sept.–Oct. 1981 OD 180, 74