Having examined the report presented by the Director on the study of the functions of the Area Offices of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (Document CD29/18);
Recalling Resolution XII of the XXVIII Meeting of the Directing Council and Resolution XVI of the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference; and
Mindful of the provision of the regional Plan of Action to increase the operating capacity of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to support national and regional processes,
1. To thank the Director for the study of the functions of the Area Offices of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (Document CD29/18).
2. To approve the Director's recommendation in this study that the Area Offices be eliminated with effect from 1 January 1984, as well as the measures proposed for accomplishing this end, including the administrative actions and their implementation schedule, as set forth in Document CD29/18.
3. To recommend to the Director that he initiate negotiations with the countries in which Area Offices are located to review and conclude new Basic Agreements for the establishment of Country Representative Offices, similar to the agreements in effect with other Member Governments of the Organization.
4. To request the Director to evaluate the extent and effectiveness of the proposed implementing measures and to report on the advances made in this direction to the Meeting of the Directing Council in 1985.
Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 50