Text recommended by the Executive Committee and adopted by the Directing Council

XXIX Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization


CD29.R3    The Directing Council,

 Having considered Document CD29/15 on the distribution of the financial resources of PAHO, and having heard the presentation by the Executive Committee;

 Bearing in mind Resolutions XVI of the XXVIII Meeting of the Directing Council and XIV of the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference, which request the Director to study the allocation of PAHO budget resources among Member Countries; and

 Noting the recommendations made by the 90th Meeting of the Executive Committee,


1. To note the report on the distribution of the financial resources of PAHO (Document CD29/15).

2. To thank the Director and the Working Group for the detailed and illuminating study and the Executive Committee for its careful review of this matter.

3. To urge the Director to take into account the recommendations contained in the study and the observations made during the discussions of the Executive Committee for establishing planning ceilings for the 1986–1987 country program budget, including the importance of regional and national priorities as expressed in the Regional Strategies and the Plan of Action to attain the goal of health for all by the year 2000, governmental commitment, the absorptive capacity of the national administrations, and special situations, in addition to the appropriate quantitative indicators.

4. To urge the Director to continue to examine this question periodically, and particularly to review, with the participation of the Member Countries, the appropriate factors in light of the different and changing circumstances within the Region.

5. To ask the Director to include in the report on the 1986–1987 program budget to the 94th Meeting of the Executive Committee an analysis of the impact of this study on the distribution of resources contained within that proposed budget.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 51