Text recommended by the Executive Committee and adopted by the Directing Council

30th Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization


CD30.R2    The Directing Council,

 Having considered the document on the economic crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean and its repercussions on the health sector (Document CD30/16), and the report of the 92nd Meeting of the Executive Committee,


1. To express appreciation to the Director for the study on the repercussions of the economic crisis on the health sector and to urge the Director to apply the document's recommendations.

2. To urge Member Countries to undertake the studies recommended in the report with the support of the Secretariat, including the impact of technology and human resources on health costs, the review of the financing of the health sector with the objective of moving toward the fulfillment of the principles of efficacy, efficiency, and equity, and the examination of the impact of the crisis on health sector resources, both public and private, and on their distribution and use.

3. To request the Director to continue to examine the international economic environment and the impact of changing developments on the health sector, to assist the Member Countries in their own analyses, and to report to the Governing Bodies on any major changes in the situation, as appropriate.

Sept.–Oct. 1984 OD 197, 35