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XXV Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization




CD25.R1    The Directing Council,

 Having been informed of the decision taken by Mr. Lars Lindmark that he will be unable to continue in his post as External Auditor after completion of the audit for financial year 1977; and

 Bearing in mind that it has been the practice of the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization to have the same External Auditor and that Mr. Sven-Ivar Ivarsson, who has been appointed External Auditor of the World Health Organization for financial years 1978 and 1979, has expressed his willingness to serve as the External Auditor of PAHO,


1. To note with regret the decision taken by Mr. Lars Lindmark that he will be unable to continue in his post as External Auditor after completion of the audit for financial year 1977.

2. To express its thanks to Mr. Lindmark for his conscientious service and for his many valuable recommendations on the Organization's financial policy.

3. To appoint Mr. Sven-Ivar Ivarsson External Auditor of the Pan American Health Organization for the financial years 1978 and 1979.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 46


CD25.R2    The Directing Council,

 Having considered the report of the Award Committee of the PAHO Award for Administration (Document CD25/16 and Annex); and

 Bearing in mind the regulations set forth in the procedure governing the PAHO Award for Administration


1. To declare Dr. Roberto Pereda Chávez of Cuba the posthumous winner of the PAHO Award for Administration, 1977.

2. To recommend once again to the Governments that they take advantage of the purposes of the PAHO Award for Administration to promote the improvement of administration in a concrete manner and that they participate more actively in the nomination of candidates.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 46


CD25.R3    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the formal request for membership in the Pan American Health Organization made on behalf of the Government of Grenada by the Ministry of External Affairs and the Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States, in a communication dated 23 September 1977; and

 Considering that the Government of Grenada has declared its readiness to accept all the obligations imposed by the Constitution of the Pan American Health Organization, to comply with the provisions of the Pan American Sanitary Code, as amended by the Additional Protocol of 24 September 1952, and to contribute by means of a quota assessment to the financial support of the Organization,


1. To approve with satisfaction the request by the Government of Grenada for membership in the Pan American Health Organization.

2. To instruct the Director to transmit this decision to the Member Governments of the Organization.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 47


CD25.R4    The Directing Council,

 Having examined Document CD25/15, presented by the Director, which contains information regarding the topic selected by the Directing Council in its XXIV Meeting for the Technical Discussions to be held during the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference in 1978; and

 Bearing in mind Resolution XI approved by the Executive Committee at its 78th Meeting,


1. To adopt the title "The Impact of Drugs on Health Costs: National and International Problems" for the topic of the Technical Discussions to be held during the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference in 1978.

2. To request Member Governments to cooperate fully with the Bureau to ensure the success of the Discussions.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 48



>CD25.R5    The Directing Council,

 Having examined Document CD25/10, whose annex contains Document CE78/20 submitted by the Director to the Executive Committee at its 78th Meeting;

 Recognizing the need to formalize the procedures for applying the criteria established1 by the XIV Pan American Sanitary Conference; and

 Desiring to facilitate the consideration of these matters by the Governing Bodies,


 To instruct the Director to draw up a provisional draft of Special Regulations for the establishment of official relations with nongovernmental organizations and to submit it to the Executive Committee and Directing Council for approval at their next meetings.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 48


CD25.R6    The Directing Council,

 Having considered the report of the Director on the collection of quota contributions (Document CD25/22 and Adds.);

 Noting that the three countries with approved payment plans for liquidating their arrears had all made payments by the opening date of the Directing Council Meeting; and

 Bearing in mind the importance of prompt and full payment of quota contributions to assure the financing of the authorized program and budget and to maintain the Organization in a sound cash position,


1. To take note of the report of the Director on the collection of quota contributions (Document CD25/22 and Adds.).

2. To thank the Governments that have already made payments in 1977 and to urge the other Governments whose legal circumstances so permit to pay their current quotas as early as possible in the year in which they are due so that the work of the Organization can continue and the financial burden of its program can be spread fairly among the Members.

3. To direct the attention of Governments once again to the provision of Article V (5.4) of the Financial Regulations of PAHO, which reads: "Contributions shall be considered as due and payable in of the first day of the financial year to which they relate....As of 1 January of the following financial year, the unpaid balance of such unpaid contributions shall be considered to be one year in arrears."

4. To request the Director to continue to inform the Governments of any balances due.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 49


CD25.R7    The Directing Council

 Having examined the Financial Report of the Director and Report of the External Auditor for fiscal year 1976 (Official Document 147); and

 Recognizing that the Organization continues to be in a sound financial situation,


1. To take note of the Financial Report of the Director and Report of the External Auditor for fiscal year 1976 (Official Document 147).

2. To commend the Director for having achieved and maintained a sound financial situation.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 50


CD25.R8    The Directing Council

 Having considered the Final Report of the X Inter-American Meeting, at the Ministerial Level, on Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Zoonoses Control (Document CD25/19);

 Bearing in mind the importance of the technical cooperation which the Organization is providing to the Governments of the Member Countries through the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Zoonoses Centers in the planning, operation, and evaluation of animal health programs essential to the prevention, control, and eradication of diseases of importance both to man and to animals.

 Being aware of the increasing number of requests for technical cooperation being made by the countries in the fields of animal health and veterinary public health; and

 Bearing in mind the importance of the activities for the training of the human resources necessary for the efficient conduct of animal health and veterinary public health programs being carried out by the above-mentioned Centers.


1. To take note of the Final Report of the X Inter-American Meeting, at the Ministerial Level, on Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Zoonoses Control (Document CD25/19).

2. To thank the Ministers of Agriculture for the support and contributions they are providing to the above-mentioned Centers in order to enable them to solve their financial problems, as stated in Resolutions I, II, and VIII in Document CD25/19.

3. To express their appreciation to the Ministers of Agriculture for their efforts to strengthen the economy and improve the health of the countries of the Hemisphere through programs for the prevention and control of animal diseases.

4. To recommend to the Ministers of Agriculture and Health of the Hemisphere that they continue their combined efforts in a coordinated foot-and-mouth disease and zoonoses control campaign.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 50


CD25.R9    The Directing Council,

 Having studied the progress report on the programs scheduled or carried out by the Governments to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Pan American Health Organization (Document CD25/20);

 Taking note of the complementary activities being carried out by the Organization; and

 Having learned with satisfaction that, in Resolution WHA30.2,1 the World Health Assembly urged Member Governments to recognize this special event in the life of the Pan American Health Organization,


1. To express its appreciation to the Governments for their favorable response to the resolutions on the 75th anniversary of the Pan American Health Organization approved by the Executive Committee and the Directing Council, and for their valuable anniversary gifts to the Organization.

2. To urge the Governments to carry on with their activities in commemoration of this historic event.

3. To thank the Director and his staff for their cooperation in these activities and to encourage their continued support.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 51


CD25.R10    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the Annual Report of the Chairman of the Executive Committee (Document CD25/21) on the work of the Committee from October 1976 to date, during which period the 77th and 78th Meetings were held; and

 Bearing in mind the provisions of Article 9-C of the Constitution of the Pan American Health Organization,


1. To take note of the Annual Report of the Chairman of the Executive Committee (Document CD25/21).

2. To commend the Chairman and the other members of the Committee for their excellent work.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 52


CD25.R11    The Directing Council,

 Having examined Document CD25/6 containing resolutions of the Thirtieth World Health Assembly and of the Sixtieth Session of the Executive Board, which the Director has brought to the attention of the Directing Council as Regional Committee of the World Health Organization for the Americas; and

 Having taken note of the information provided by the Director on the activities being carried out by the Organization in the various fields,


 To take note of the resolutions of the World Health Assembly and of the Executive Board contained in Document CD25/6.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 53


CD25.R12    The Directing Council

Elected Brazil, Canada, and Venezuela to the Executive Committee upon termination of the periods of office of Bolivia, Jamaica, and the United States of America, and thanked the Governments of these countries for the services rendered to the Organization by their representatives on the Committee.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 53


CD25.R13    The Directing Council,

 Having examined Document CD25/28 presented by the Director on the establishment of a Pan American Community Health Training Center;

 Recognizing the work that the Government of Costa Rica and PAHO have been doing with a view to drawing up a detailed plan for the functioning of the Center; and

 Considering that the aforesaid document gives effect to operative paragraph 5 of Resolution XI of the XXIV Meeting of the Directing Council,


1. To thank the Director for the report on the state of negotiations for establishing the Pan American Community Health Training Center.

2. To thank the Government of Costa Rica once again for its continuing concern to bring this Center into being.

3. To request the Director to continue collaborating with the Government of Costa Rica in the terms set forth in Resolution XI of the XXIV Meeting of the Directing Council, and to report on the progress made at the next Meeting of the Executive Committee.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 54


CD25.R14    The Directing Council

 Having taken note of the Final Report of the IV Special Meeting of Ministers of Health of the Americas, which was held in compliance with Resolution XXXII of the XXIV Meeting of the Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization at the Headquarters of the Organization in Washington, D.C. on 26 and 27 September 1977; and

 Considering that its conclusions contain recommendations that provide valuable guidance for accelerating the process of extending coverage of health services in all the countries of the Americas,


1. To incorporate the development of community participation and primary health care into the policy of PAHO as basic strategies, and administrative development and the development of appropriate technologies as instruments for guaranteeing health service coverage that is universal, comprehensive, accessible, effective, and continuous, in the context of general socioeconomic development of the countries of the Hemisphere.

2. To recommend to the Governments that they renew their efforts to extend health services to the underserved population in rural and urban areas with the required vigor and speed, directing their efforts primarily toward:

a) programming to strengthen the strategies of community participation and primary health care, in accordance with the political realities and the socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of each country;

b) development of the administrative process in the planning and programming of investments and services, logistics, evaluation, and control of operations, in order to guarantee the effective and efficient delivery of services;

c) restructuring of health systems on the basis of the establishment of functional levels of care, with clearly defined referral procedures and effective intrasectoral and intersectoral coordination machinery.

d) reviewing of manpower development plans at all levels in both the institutional and the traditional community systems, and introduction or strengthening of measures for improving the training of that manpower so that it will contribute harmoniously to the process of change required by the extension of coverage,

e) development by countries with similar characteristics and common health problems of joint programs for evaluating, selecting, and adapting or creating appropriate technologies that will expedite the extension of coverage;

f) planned interchange of specialized personnel and experiences, with strategies and methods used in the countries for extending coverage; and

g) systematized analysis of the requirements of the countries for external cooperation and financing, and of their capacity to make appropriate use of it in supplementing their national resources.

3. To request the Director to make a study of the impact of the foregoing recommendations and of the changes they imply in the PAHO/WHO program of collaboration with the Governments in implementing these recommendations as soon as possible, and to report on the matter to the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference.

4. To recommend to PAHO that the conclusions of the IV Special Meeting of Ministers of Health of the Americas the summary of the presentations made by the Ministers and Heads of Delegations on the status of the process of extending the coverage of services in their respective countries be presented as a contribution of the Region of the Americas to the International Conference on Primary Health Care to be held in Alma-Ata, USSR, in September 1978.2

Sept.–Oct. 1975 OD 152, 55


CD25.R15    The Directing Council

 Bearing in mind Resolution XXXIII approved at the XXIV Meeting of the Directing Council;

 Having examined the information (Document CD25/12) provided by the Director on the activities undertaken by the Member Governments in the area of juvenile health and those that the Organization has carried out and proposes to carry out, setting up machinery for the gradual institutionalization and optimum coordination of relevant advisory services; and

 Having noted the analysis made on the subject by the Executive Committee at its 78th Meeting,1


1. To thank the Director for the information presented and to request that he continue his efforts in connection with the cooperation that the countries in the Region may request for the development of programs to protect the health of young people, covering the relevant aspects of training and expanding activities to embrace the social groups and geographic areas that show serious deprivation.

2. To commend the Member Governments for the importance they attach to youth health promotion programs and to urge them to continue and expand the activities undertaken.

3. To urge the Member Governments to systematize the process for maximizing the available resources by coordinating national intersectoral activities and related international cooperation with a view to promoting the health of young people in the countries of the Region.

4. To recommend that, in the development of the aforesaid activities, special emphasis be placed both on guidance for family life and responsible parenthood and on active participation by young people in community development.

5. To request the Director to report to the Governing Bodies of the Organization, at the end of the decade, on the progress made in promoting the health and welfare of young people.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 57


CD25.R16    The Directing Council

 Having studied the Report of the First Meeting of the PAHO Scientific Advisory Committee on Dengue, Yellow Fever, and Aedes aegypti, as well as the observations of the Governments on that report (Document CD25/18 and annex);

 Taking into account the present situation of the Aedes aegypti eradication program in the Americas and the serious problems of reinfestation faced by many countries;

 Considering that the presence of jungle yellow fever in extensive areas of the Americas and of hemorrhagic dengue in the Caribbean constitutes a serious threat for the Hemisphere; and

 Bearing in mind that the decision adopted by the Directing Council in 1947 on the occasion of its I Meeting1 is still in force.


1. To maintain the present policy of eradication and to reaffirm the recommendations of the XVII Pan American Sanitary Conference2 that the Governments of the countries and territories still infested by the vector take the timely measures to overcome any administrative difficulties that may be hampering the progress of their campaigns, and that they give the highest priority to the provision of the funds, personnel, and supplies needed to complete those campaigns as soon as possible.

2. To recommend to the countries and territories already free of A. aegypti that they strengthen their surveillance activities against reinfestation.

3. To request countries that had already achieved eradication of the vector and were subsequently reinfested to adopt all appropriate measures to achieve the elimination of A. aegypti.

4. To request the Member Countries to give support also to such epidemiological surveillance and yellow fever vaccination measures as may be necessary.

5. To request the Director to take steps to ensure the availability of high-quality vaccines in sufficient quantity to cope with any emergency.

6. To request the Director to take steps to ensure the availability of insecticides and equipment for their application with a view to meeting the needs.

7. To request the Director to assist the countries in strengthening epidemiological surveillance and eradication campaigns by training personnel.

8. To request the Director to study the mechanisms of reinfestation following A. aegypti eradication and possible ways of solving this problem.

9. To request the Director to promote and support research on the biology and control of A. aegypti and yellow fever, and on other methods for the surveillance and control of these diseases.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 58


CD25.R17    The Directing Council,


In establishing the contributions of Member Governments and Participating Governments, their assessments shall be reduced further by the amount standing to their credit in the Tax Equalization Fund, except that credits of those Governments which levy taxes on the emoluments received from the Pan American Health Organization by their nationals and residents shall be reduced by the amounts of such tax reimbursements by PAHO.

3. That in accordance with the Financial Regulations of PAHO, amounts not exceeding the appropriations noted under paragraph 1 shall be available for the payment of obligations incurred during the period 1 January to 31 December 1978, inclusive. Notwithstanding the provision of this paragraph, obligations during the financial year 1978 shall be limited to the effective working budget, i.e., Parts I–VI.

4. That the Director shall be authorized to transfer credits between the parts of the effective working budget, provided that such transfers of credits between parts as are made do not exceed 10 per cent of the parts from which the credit is transferred. Transfers of credits between parts of the budget in excess of 10 per cent of the part from which the credit is transferred may be made with the concurrence of the Executive Committee. All transfers of budget credits shall be reported to the Directing Council and/or the Conference.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 59


CD25.R18    The Directing Council,

 Considering that Member Governments appearing in the scale adopted by the General Assembly of the Organization of American States are assessed according to the percentages shown in that scale, in compliance with Article 60 of the Pan American Sanitary Code; and

 Considering that other Member Governments and Participating Governments are assessed on the basis of percentages which would be assigned to such countries if they were subject to the OAS scale,


 To establish the assessments of the Member Governments and Participating Governments of the Pan American Health Organization for 1978 in accordance with the scale of quotas shown below and in the corresponding amounts.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 61


CD25.R19    The Directing Council,

 Having examined Official Document 148 submitted by the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, which contains the provisional draft that is to constitute the basis for the preparation of the proposed program and budget estimates of the Pan American Health Organization for 1979 to be considered by the Executive Committee at its 80th Meeting and by the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference; and

 Recognizing that the provisional draft of the proposed program and budget estimates for 1979 contains much-needed projects formulated in cooperation with the national authorities,


1. To take note of the provisional draft of the program and budget estimates of the Pan American Health Organization for 1979 contained in Official Document 148.

2. To request the Director to use the provisional draft as a basis for the preparation of the proposed program and budget estimates for 1979, after further consultations with the Governments to determine their latest desires and requirements in relation to the health priorities of the countries.

3. To request the Executive Committee to make a detailed examination of the revised program and budget estimates for 1979 to be presented by the Director, after consultations with the Governments, and to submit its recommendations thereon to the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 61


CD25.R20    The Directing Council,

 Having examined Document CD25/5, "Study on Reduction of the Length of Meetings of the Directing Council," containing Resolution XVI approved by the Executive Committee at its 78th Meeting;

 Considering that the recommendations of the Special Working Group show that it is possible to reduce the length of Meetings of the Directing Council;

 Convinced that the Rules of Procedure of the Directing Council should not be changed;

 Believing that the duration of Meetings of the Directing Council must be the outcome of an analysis, discussion, and decision on each agenda item in order to enable the Council to perform its vital role of guiding the Organization toward the attainment of its objectives; and

 Recognizing that it is the responsibility of the Directing Council at each of its Meetings to determine its own program of work, in accordance with Article 12.C of the Constitution of the Pan American Health Organization,


1. To take note of Document CD25/5 and of Resolution XVI of the 78th Meeting of the Executive Committee.

2. To reiterate the need that, in view of the recommendations of the Special Working Group, the Council on each occasion determine its own program of work in the awareness of the time it requires for the consideration of its business.

3. To recommend to the Director that, when drawing up the provisional agenda for the Directing Council and for the Pan American Sanitary Conference, he keep to a minimum the number of items to be discussed by those Governing Bodies.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 63


CD25.R21    The Directing Council,

 Having approved the request by the Government of Grenada for membership in the Pan American Health Organization;

 Considering that Article V (5.8) of the Financial Regulations of PAHO provides that new Members shall be required to make a quota contribution for the year they become Members; and

 Bearing in mind that the quota assessed should be equivalent to the appropriate percentage shown in the scale adopted by the Organization of American States, in compliance with Article 60 of the Pan American Sanitary Code, but should not be higher than the per capita contribution of the largest contributor,


1. To establish the 1977 assessment for the Government of Grenada at 0.03 per cent.

2. To assess the net quota for 1977 at $7,921.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 64


CD25.R22    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the Annual Report of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau for 1976 (Official Document 150); and

 Bearing in mind the provisions of Article 9-C of the Constitution of the Pan American Health Organization,


1. To take note of the Annual Report of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau for 1976 (Official Document 150).

2. To commend the Director and the staff of the Bureau for the work accomplished during the period covered by the report.

 Approved at the tenth plenary session.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 65


CD25.R23    The Directing Council,

 Considering that the provisions of Rules 7, 8, and 9 of the Rules for Technical Discussions have been followed in the selection of the topic of the 1979 Technical Discussions,


 To select the topic "Strategies for Extending and Improving Potable Water Supply and Excretal Disposal Services during the Decade of the 80's" for the Technical Discussions to be held in 1979 during the XXVI Meeting of the Directing Council of PAHO, XXXI Meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 65


CD25.R24    The Directing Council,

 Considering the priority given by the countries to the extension of health services to all people, using strategies of primary health care and community participation;

 Bearing in mind the limited resources available and consequently the need for effective and efficient use of health manpower, of which nursing personnel constitute the largest group;

 Bearing in mind also the present under-utilization of the nurse in relation to her potential in the delivery of care;

 Recognizing that carefully planned changes must be introduced into the health services to ensure the delivery of adequate nursing and health care; and

 Taking into account the report submitted by the Director (Document CD25/27, Rev. 1),


1. To recommend to the Governments that they take measures and intensify efforts in order that:

a) the roles of nurses and nursing auxiliaries are realigned in accordance with the levels of care and technology to be used in the extension of health services;

b) nursing personnel estimates are based on health services needs, taking into consideration the new patterns for utilization of nursing personnel;

c) the necessary posts are created to absorb into the services the graduates of all types of nursing education programs;

d) nursing education programs are made to focus on primary care and community health, with a view to preparing sufficient nursing personnel to meet the health needs of each country;

e) the most up-to-date educational technology is utilized in nursing education programs in order to provide adequate training for the increasing number of nursing students.

2. To request the Director to provide the assistance needed by the countries to achieve the foregoing objectives.

3. To request the Governments to provide the Director in 1979 with information on the measures they have taken and the progress made so that he may submit a consolidated report to the XXVII Meeting of the Directing Council in 1980.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 66


CD25.R25    The Directing Council

 Having carefully considered the document submitted by the Government of Mexico entitled "Control vs. Eradication in Malaria Programs;" and

 Mindful of the seriousness of the malaria situation in the Americas and of the need for timely measures for reducing its incidence,


1. To reaffirm that the final goal is malaria eradication in the Americas.

2. To recognize that control activities are an intermediate stage and to urge those countries that are unable to achieve eradication in the foreseeable future to undertake the commitment to improve their malaria activities with a view to achieving eradication ultimately.

3. To request the Director to send to the Member Governments the document submitted by the Government of Mexico, as well as the summary records of the discussion on the item at this Meeting of the Directing Council, with a request for their comments, and subsequently to have PAHO analyze the information received and prepare a document for discussion at the 80th Meeting of the Executive Committee and the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 67


CD25.R26    The Directing Council,

 Bearing in mind the resolutions of the Economic and Social Council and of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the celebration in 1979 of an International Year of the Child, the basic purpose of which would be to emphasize at the decision-making levels of the Governments of the countries the need to give urgent attention to comprehensive child protection activities as part of national economic and social development plans;

 Having examined the information provided by the Director on this matter, particularly in regard to the specific cooperation requested by the United Nations General Assembly of the pertinent international agencies (Document CD25/13); and

 Considering Resolution XV adopted by the Executive Committee at its 78th Meeting,


1. To take note of the information on the International Year of the Child, 1979, to thank the Director for providing it, and to instruct him to promote the participation of the Pan American Health Organization in the preparation and implementation of plans underway in the Region to this end, in coordination with other international agencies, and particularly with the United Nations Children's Fund.

2. To urge the Member Governments to participate in the activities to be carried out in the countries of the Region in connection with the International Year of the Child, taking timely action to identify the most urgent national problems of children and going on to strengthen and expand the appropriate programs, placing special emphasis on aspects such as health education, nutrition, vaccination, the control of infectious diseases and those caused by intestinal agents in particular, development of the infrastructure, and personnel training. The end product of these activities must be the enjoyment of general well-being by all children, and particularly the most disadvantaged, bearing in mind the relevant humanitarian implications and those of overall national development.

3. To request the Director to arrange that, in accordance with the decisions of the United Nations, and particularly of the Organizing Committee of the International Year of the Child, the Organization contribute, subject to its budgetary availabilities and in coordination with other international agencies, to the implementation of the aforementioned cooperation, and to report on what has been done to the Governing Bodies in 1980.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 67


CD25.R27    The Directing Council

 Having examined the report of the Director (Document CD25/14) on the Expanded Program on Immunization and noting the limited funds allocated to it in the regular budget for 1978 and 1979;

 Having reviewed the general policy recommendations made to the Director by the Study Group of the Executive Committee on strategies for implementation of the Program;

 Having taken note of the efforts made to develop the Program at the country and regional level and the progress achieved in respect of Recommendations 2, 3, and 5 (Communicable diseases) of the Ten-year Health Plan for the Americas,1 and Resolutions XXII of the XX Meeting of the Directing Council, IX of the 74th Meeting of the Executive Committee of PAHO, and WHA 27.57 and WHA29.63 of the World Health Assembly;2

 Taking into consideration Resolutions WHA30.53 and WHA30.543 of the World Health Assembly, and Resolutions XIII and XIV of the 78th Meeting of the Executive Committee of PAHO;

 After analyzing the funding requirements and the Director's proposal concerning sources of funding for the implementation of the Program; and

 Having examined the proposal for the establishment of a Revolving Fund for the purchase of vaccines,


1. To approve and endorse the Program objectives and the policy statement presented in the Director's report (Document CD25/14).

2. To endorse the recommendations of the Study Group of the Executive Committee on the Expanded Program on Immunization.

3. To authorize the Director to prepare, within the framework of the Expanded Program on Immunization, appropriate operational guidelines to assist the Member Governments in the development of their programs.

4. To urge the Member Governments to formulate specific plans for the intensification and maintenance of immunization activities on a long-term basis.

5. To recommend to the Member Governments that they give a high priority to the immunization component of their programs for maternal and child health, primary health care, and extension of coverage of health services.

6. To authorize the Director to establish the Revolving Fund as proposed.

7. To authorize the Director to study the feasibility of obtaining the funds for the Expanded Program on Immunization as presented in item 5 of Document CD25/14 and to intensify activities in coordination with UNICEF and other potential donor agencies with a view to obtaining additional extrabudgetary funds.

8. To request the Director to inform the Directing Council regularly on the progress made in the Program.

Sep.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 69


CD25.R28    The Directing Council,

 Having considered the report of the Director (Document CD25/9) on technical cooperation among developing countries, and that of the Director-General of WHO (Document EB60/7) on the same subject;

 Having noted with satisfaction Resolution EB60.R4 of the Executive Board of WHO recommending that programs and activities promote and stimulate cooperation among countries;

 Bearing in mind the recommendation in the Final Report of the IV Special Meeting of Ministers of Health of the Americas for "the conduct by countries with similar characteristics of joint programs for the evaluation, selection, and adaptation of appropriate technologies"; and

 Considering that subregional groups of countries have acquired valuable and fruitful experience in technical cooperation among countries,


1. To recommend to the Director that he promote and give the greatest possible support to technical cooperation programs conducted jointly by countries both inside and outside subregional groups.

2. To request that he report annually to the Directing Council on the progress made in coordination between the programs of the Organization and those carried on by countries in the framework of technical cooperation among developing countries.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 70


CD25.R29    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the Final Report of the Technical Discussions on "Coordination between Social Security and Public Health Systems" (Document CD25/DT/3, Rev. 1), held during the current Meeting on the basis of Document CD25/DT/1;

 Recognizing that all the Governments of the countries in the Region aspire to make the best use of national resources so as to facilitate and guarantee equitable and timely access to health services for the entire population;

 Recognizing that in this endeavor it is essential that the resources of the health services both of the ministries and of the social security and other institutions be coordinated in order to expand the coverage of the undeserved population; and

 Bearing in mind the need for further study of the structural, organizational, economic, and political restrictions which hamper this process, some of them going beyond the scope of the institutions themselves,


1. To take note of the Final Report of the Technical Discussions (Document CD25/DT/3, Rev. 1) and to express its satisfaction with them.

2. To thank the International Labor Organization, the Organization of American States, and the representatives of social security institutions for their participation in the Discussions.

3. To call upon the Member Governments, in accordance with the conditions in their countries, to adopt political decisions and establish mechanisms for developing institutional coordination in order to ensure the consolidation of the health sector.

4. To urge the Governments to define and structure their national health systems, within their own political-administrative context, with a view to applying a uniform policy of health benefits for the entire population, and likewise, to foster joint institutional programming of capital investment for the health sector and devise solutions of a technological complexity appropriate to problems that affect the entire population, regardless of whether it is covered by social insurance.

5. To request the Director to extend technical cooperation programs to the social security health systems in support of the related national coordination efforts and to promote and organize research with a view to developing new ways of providing personal health services that will make it easier to coordinate the approaches of ministries of health and social security institutions.

6. To request the Director to arrange for the study and formulation of recommendations on specific aspects of the coordination and collaboration between health care institutions, particularly in relation to capital investment, production, and use of critical inputs, and analysis of the utilization of services in relation to forms of financing.

7. To request the Director to report to the XXVI Meeting of the Directing Council on the activities promoted by the Organization in these fields and on the progress made by the Member Governments.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 71


CD25.R30    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the proposals of the Executive Committee for the allocation of funds under the WHO Director-General's Development Program, 1978–1979 (Document CD25/7 and annexes); and

 Bearing in mind the opinions expressed by the representatives in the Directing Council,


1. To approve the proposals for the use of funds from the Director-General's Development Program as set forth in Resolution XIII of the 78th Meeting of the Executive Committee, thereby assigning the highest priority to the following projects: intercountry research on methods for promoting community participation in primary health care programs; efforts to find an appropriate technology for primary health care; and training in supervision and consultation in local health service units.

2. To request the Director, in view of the health situation prevailing in the Americas, to take the necessary action with a view to increasing to the greatest possible extent the share allotted to the Region of the Americas in the Director-General's Development Program.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 73


CD25.R31    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the document on the institutions designated "Pan American Centers" (Document CD25/29 and annexes); and

 Taking due account of the opinions expressed by the representatives in the Directing Council,


1. To request the Director to prepare a detailed study of the institutions designated "Pan American Centers" and to draw up draft standards and conditions to be met by national research and teaching centers in order to be admitted as Associated Centers collaborating with the Organization.

2. To request the Director to submit the results of these two studies to the 80th Meeting of the Executive Committee and the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 73


CD25.R32    The Directing Council,

 Considering that Resolution WHA29.721 approved by the Twenty-ninth World Health Assembly (May 1976) laid the foundations for drawing up the Medium-Term Program for the Development of Human Resources, and specified that it should be discussed by the Regional Committees in 1977;

 Mindful of the policies approved in this field, both in the Ten-Year Health Plan for the Americas and in the contributions by the Region to the Sixth General Program of Work of WHO; and

 Having reviewed Document CD25/8, specifying the goals and types of activity proposed in the Region of the Americas,


1. To take note of the Medium-Term Program for the Development of Human Resources in the Region of the Americas for the period 1978–1983 (Document CD25/8).

2. To recommend that the Program be used as a basic guide for country programming in this field in particular, with due regard to the specific needs and characteristics of each country and adjustments over the duration of the Program.

3. To request the Director to report periodically to the Governing Bodies on the progress of the Program.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 74


CD25.R33    The Directing Council,

 Bearing in mind the provisions of Article 12.2 of the Staff Regulations,


1. To take note of the amendments to the Staff Rules of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau submitted by the Director in the Annex to Document CE78/8 and confirmed1 by the Executive Committee at its 78th Meeting, effective 1 January 1977.

2. To take note of the decision adopted by the Executive Committee at its 78th Meeting concerning Rule 275.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 75


CD25.R34    The Directing Council,

 Considering the revision made to the schedule of salaries of the professional and higher categories of staff in graded posts, effective 1 January 1977;

 Taking into account the decision adopted by the Executive Committee at its 78th Meeting to adjust the salaries of the Deputy Director and the Assistant Director;

 Having noted the recommendation of the Executive Committee concerning the salary of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau in CE78.R9; and

 Bearing in mind the provisions of Staff Rule 230.3,


1. To establish the salary of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau at $44,344 (dependency rate) or $40,220 (single rate) per annum, effective 1 January 1977.

2. To note that, consequent upon the salary adjustment for the Director, appropriate revision will be made of the post adjustment rate.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 76


CD25.R35    The Directing Council,

 Having noted the offer by the Government of Grenada of the city of St. George's as the site of the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference scheduled to take place in 1978;

 Considering that the offer by the Government of Grenada demonstrates the interest of this new Member of the Organization to become more fully involved in the affairs of PAHO; and

 Bearing in mind that St. George's recently hosted the Seventh Regular Session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States with outstanding success,


1. To thank the Government of Grenada for its offer.

2. To accept the offer by the Government of Grenada of the city of St. George's as the site of the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference in 1978.

3. To request the Director to enter into discussions with the Government of Grenada with a view to concluding the necessary agreement and making arrangements for the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference to be held in St. George's in 1978.

Sept.–Oct. 1977 OD 152, 76



Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization
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