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XXVI Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization




CD26.R1    The Directing Council,

 Deeply moved by the sudden passing of the distinguished Representative of Paraguay, Dr. Rubén M. Cáceres; and

 Mindful of the outstanding qualities of Dr. Cáceres as a human being and of his fruitful dedication to the work of the Pan American Health Organization,


 To send to the Government of Paraguay and to the family of Dr. Cáceres a solemn message of deepest condolence with them in their grievous loss.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 53


CD26.R2    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the Annual Report of the Chairman of the Executive Committee (Document CD26/19) on the work of the Committee from October 1978 to date, during which period the 81st and 82nd Meetings were held; and

 Bearing in mind the provisions of Article 9 C of the Constitution of the Pan American Health Organization,


1. To take note of the Annual Report of the Chairman of the Executive Committee (Document CD26/19).

2. To commend the Chairman and the other members of the Committee for their excellent work.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 53


CD26.R3    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the Financial Report of the Director and Report of the External Auditor for fiscal year 1978 (Official Document 160); and

 Recognizing that the Organization continues to be in a sound financial position,


1. To take note of the Financial Report of the Director and Report of the External Auditor for fiscal year 1978 (Official Document 160).

2. To commend the Director for having maintained a sound financial position.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 54


CD26.R4    The Directing Council,

 Bearing in mind that it has been the practice of the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization to have the same External Auditor, and that Sir Douglas Henley, who has been appointed External Auditor of the World Health Organization for the financial period 1980–1981, has expressed his willingness to serve as External Auditor of the Pan American Health Organization,


1. To appoint Sir Douglas Henley External Auditor of the Pan American Health Organization for the financial period 1980–1981 and to request him to conduct his audits in accordance with the principles set forth in the Financial Regulations, with the proviso that, should the need arise, he may designate a representative to act for him in his absence.

2. To express its thanks to Sir Douglas Henley for the work he has performed for the Organization in his audit of the accounts for the financial year 1978.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 54


CD26.R5    The Directing Council

Elected the Governments of Chile, Guyana, and Mexico to the Executive Committee upon termination of the periods of office of Ecuador, Paraguay, and Trinidad and Tobago, and thanked the Governments of these countries for the services rendered to the Organization by their representatives on the Committee.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 55


CD26.R6    The Directing Council,

 Having considered the report of the Director (Document CD26/9) on the excellent work carried out or supported by the Kellogg Foundation during the 50 years of its service to the peoples of the Americas;

 Recalling also the generous contribution that the Foundation made to the construction of the Headquarters building of the Pan American Health Organization in Washington, D C.; and

 Desiring to commemorate this important anniversary of the Foundation in a suitable and auspicious manner,


1. To endorse the steps recommended by the Director to commemorate this fiftieth anniversary.

2. To request the Director to convey the congratulations and expressions of good will of all the members of the Directing Council to the President, the Board of Trustees, and staff of the Foundation on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 67, 55


CD26.R7    The Directing Council,

 Having heard with great interest the presentation made by the Minister of Public Health of Nicaragua, Dr. César Amador Kühl, on the public health situation in his country;

 Desirous of giving concrete expression to the declarations of good will and solidarity of the Member Governments; and

 Taking into account the report of the Special Committee to plan the contribution and technical assistance requested by Dominica, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua,


1. To approve the proposed PAHO/WHO operating budget for the biennium 1980–1981 presented to the Director of PASB by the Government of National Reconstruction of Nicaragua.

2. To instruct the Executive Committee to examine the progress of the program of technical cooperation with Nicaragua, study it at its 84th Meeting, and make such proposals as it considers appropriate and necessary to the XXVII Meeting of the Directing Council.

3. To request the Member Governments to continue giving concrete expression to their solidarity by promptly assisting the public health program of the Government of Nicaragua on a bilateral basis.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 56


CD26.R8    The Directing Council,

 Having considered the serious material and human losses inflicted by hurricanes David and Frederick on the peoples of the Dominican Republic and Dominica;

 Considering also the far-reaching short- and long-term implications of losses of such magnitude for the socioeconomic and health status of these peoples; and

 Taking into account the report of the Special Committee to plan the contribution and technical assistance requested by Dominica, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua,


1. To make provision for special services within the PAHO/WHO operating budget, as recommended in the report of the Special Committee.

2. To instruct the Director of PASB to coordinate this cooperation with the official health agencies of the two countries.

3. To request the Member Governments to continue offering their joint and several assistance to the Dominican Republic and Dominica.

Sept.–Oct 1979 OD 167, 57


CD26.R9    The Directing Council,


In establishing the contributions of Member Governments and Participating Governments, their assessments shall be reduced further by the amount standing to their credit in the Tax Equalization Fund, except that credits of those Governments which levy taxes on the emoluments received from the Pan American Health Organization by their nationals and residents shall be reduced by the amounts of such tax reimbursements by PAHO.

3. That, in accordance with the Financial Regulations of PAHO, amounts not exceeding the appropriations noted under Paragraph I shall be available for the payment of obligations incurred during the period 1 January 1980 to 31 December 1981, inclusive. Notwithstanding the provision of this paragraph, obligations during the financial period 1980–1981 shall be limited to the effective working budget, i.e., Parts I–VI.

4. That the Director shall be authorized to transfer credits between parts of the effective working budget, provided that such transfers of credits between parts as are made do not exceed 10 per cent of the part from which the credit is transferred. Transfers of credits between parts of the budget in excess of 10 per cent of the part from which the credit is transferred may be made with the concurrence of the Executive Committee. All transfers of budget credits shall be reported to the Directing Council and/or the Conference.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 57


CD26.R10    The Directing Council,

 Bearing in mind that the Member Governments appearing in the scale adopted by the Council of the Organization of American States are assessed according to the percentages shown in that scale, in compliance with Article 60 of the Pan American Sanitary Code; and

 Taking into account that other Member Governments and Participating Governments are assessed on the basis of percentages which would be assigned to such countries if they were subject to the OAS scale,


 To establish the assessments of the Member Governments and Participating Governments of the Pan American Health Organization for the financial period 1980–1981 in accordance with the scale of quotas shown below and in the corresponding amounts.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 59


>CD26.R11    The Directing Council,

 Having considered Official Document 161 submitted by the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, which contains the program budget of the World Health Organization for the Region of the Americas for 1980–1981, originally presented in Official Document 154;

 Bearing in mind that the 1980–1981 program budget was reviewed in detail by the 82nd Meeting of the Executive Committee; and

 Noting that no significant changes have occurred between the publication of Official Documents 154 and 161 within the appropriation of $37,457,000,


 To approve the program budget of the World Health Organization for the Region of the Americas for 1980–1981, which appears in Official Document 161 and amounts to $37,457,000.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 60


CD26.R12    The Directing Council,

 Having examined Official Document 161 submitted by the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, which contains the provisional draft that is to constitute the basis for the preparation of the proposed program and budget estimates of the Pan American Health Organization for 1982–1983 amounting to $87,816,700; and

 Recognizing that the provisional draft of the proposed program and budget estimates contains programs formulated in cooperation with the national authorities,


1. To take note of the provisional draft of the proposed program and budget estimates of the Pan American Health Organization for 1982–1983 (Official Document 161).

2. To request the Director to use the provisional draft as a basis for preparation of the proposed program and budget estimates for 1982–1983, after further consultation with the Governments to determine their latest desires and requirements in relation to the health priorities of the countries.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 61


CD26.R13    The Directing Council

 Considering that the prevention of blindness has been declared a priority of WHO's Global Technical Cooperation Program, international strategies and technical guidelines have already been established, and the Advisory Group on the Global Prevention of Blindness Program has now emphasized the need for regional action;

 Considering that eye health care requires special attention and that the primary health care systems should be appropriately strengthened in order to achieve these objectives;

 Considering that the four principal causes of blindness, which have priority under the Global Program for the Prevention of Blindness-infectious eye diseases, onchocerciasis, xerophthalmia, and cataracts-are present in Latin America and the Caribbean area, and that to them must be added glaucoma and eye accidents as causes of blindness in the Region;

 Noting that some Latin American and Caribbean Governments are formulating national programs for the prevention of blindness; that, consequently, technical cooperation and coordination, particularly in assessing the extent of the problems, are needed in order to identify communities at risk, and that manpower training programs are required in that field and for the same purposes; and

 Noting that various nongovernmental agencies, particularly the regional and national committees of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, the Latin American Organization for the Blind and Visually Disabled (OLAP), and the Pan American Ophthalmology Association, are actively addressing the problem,


1. To request the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to give all possible support to the Governments and to properly accredited nongovernmental organizations in the promotion of research, training programs, and the formulation of national and regional plans for the prevention of blindness, and in all aspects of visual impairment problems.

2. To request the Director to establish a Regional Advisory Group on the Prevention of Blindness to assist in the planning, execution, and evaluation of the program.

3. To strengthen technical cooperation for the development of regional blindness prevention programs.

4. To authorize the Director to obtain extrabudgetary funds for the implementation of this resolution by calling, where necessary, on the Governments and on nongovernmental organizations, and to invest the funds so obtained in blindness prevention programs.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 61


CD26.R14    The Directing Council,

 Having considered the report of the Director on the collection of quota contributions (Document CD26/3 and Add. I);

 Noting that, of the three countries with approved payment plans for liquidating their arrears, all had made a payment by the time of the XXVI Directing Council Meeting;

 Considering the importance of prompt and full payment of quota contributions in ensuring the financing of the authorized program and budget and maintaining the Organization in a sound financial position; and

 Noting the report of the working party on the application of Article 6.B of the PAHO Constitution, relating to the suspension of voting privileges of Governments that fail to meet their financial obligations,


1. To take note of the report of the Director on the collection of quota contributions (Document CD26/3 and Add. I).

2. To permit the Representatives of the Dominican Republic and Haiti to vote at the XXVI Meeting of the Directing Council.

3. To thank the Governments that have already made payments in 1979, and to urge the other Governments whose legal circumstances so permit to pay their current quotas as early as possible in the year they are due so that the work of the Organization can continue and the financial burden of its program can be spread fairly among all Members.

4. To request the Director to continue to inform the Governments of any balance due.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 63


CD26.R15    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the Annual Report of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau for 1978 (Official Document 165); and

 Bearing in mind the provisions of Article 9.C of the Constitution of the Pan American Health Organization,


1. To take note of the Annual Report of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau for 1978 (Official Document 165).

2. To commend the Director and the staff of the Bureau for the work accomplished during the period covered by the Report.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 63


CD26.R16    The Directing Council,

 Considering the provisions of Resolution XVI of the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference;

 Having considered the report of the Director, which states that a surplus of $1,080,846 in the Working Capital Fund has been transferred to a Holding Account until such time as the Directing Council decides on how to utilize the funds;

 Considering the provisions of Resolution XXVII of the XXV Meeting of the Directing Council concerning the Expanded Program on Immunization and the establishment of the Revolving Fund for the Expanded Program on Immunization;

 Considering the presentation by the Director on the capitalization requirement for the operations of the Revolving Fund for the Expanded Program on Immunization;

 Considering the increasing membership of the Organization and the discussions at the XXV Meeting of the Directing Council1on the inability of the Conference Room at the Headquarters building in Washington to accommodate the delegations and supporting staff;

 Considering the proposal of the Director for the remodeling of the Conference Room to enable it to provide adequate seating arrangements for the delegations and supporting staff;

 Bearing in mind that, except in Area II, Mexico City, all Area Office buildings are owned by the Organization; and

 Considering the report of the Director on the feasibility of the purchase of an office building in Mexico,


1. To authorize the Director to transfer $800,000 from the Holding Account to the Revolving Fund for the Expanded Program on Immunization.

2 To authorize the Director to use $150,000 from the Holding Account for the remodeling of the Conference Room at the Headquarters building to enable it to provide adequate seating arrangements for the delegations and supporting staff, if the required amount is below $150,000, the difference between the required amount and $150,000 will be transferred to the Revolving Fund for the Expanded Program on Immunization.

3 To authorize the Director to negotiate the purchase of a suitable building in Mexico City for the Area II Office up to a limit of US$1,000,000. The actual purchase price, conditions of sale, and required borrowing authority shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.

4. To authorize the Director to transfer $130,846 from the Holding Account to the Building Fund for use in purchasing a building for the Area II Office. If this amount is not needed for the purchase of the building, it shall be transferred to the Revolving Fund for the Expanded Program on Immunization.

Sept.-Oct. 1979 OD 167, 64


CD26.R17    The Directing Council,

 Mindful of the devastating effects of protein-calorie malnutrition on human biological development; and

 Aware of the damage that can be done, particularly to the central nervous system, by protein-calorie malnutrition and intercurrent nutritional deficiencies and the serious public health problem their incidence poses,


1. To request the Director to present to the 84th Meeting of the Executive Committee a document on the latest developments in the understanding of malnutrition and deficiency-induced mental retardation in the countries of the Region.

2. To recommend to the Director the inclusion in the operating budget of adequate financing for studies to learn more about malnutrition and mental retardation caused by deficiencies, for the purpose of promoting the development of many different control strategies.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 65


CD26.R18    The Directing Council

 Considering that noncommunicable chronic diseases like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, the chronic bronchopneumopathies, and others are becoming increasingly important as public health problems because of their high mortality, morbidity, and disability rates; and

 Recognizing that the Organization has launched activities for intercountry collaboration in this field and for technical cooperation in several countries of the Region,


 That this topic be placed on the agenda of the next meeting of the Directing Council of the Organization with a view to establishing policies, strategies, and plans for action for the Organization's technical cooperation programs in this field.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 66


CD26.R19    The Directing Council,

 Having reviewed the Report of the Award Committee of the PAHO Award for Administration and Resolution XX of the 82nd Meeting of the Executive Committee (Document CD26/15 and Annexes),


 To endorse the decision of the Award Committee that the nomination of Mr. Antonio J. Sucre, presented by the Government of Panama, be deferred for consideration in conjunction with such other nominations as may be received in 1980.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 66


CD26.R20    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the Report of the PAHO Advisory Committee on Medical Research for the period October 1978 to September 1979, which covers the annual meeting held in June 1979,


1. To take note of the concern of the Advisory Committee on Medical Research for areas of research that can make the greatest contribution toward solving the priority problems of PAHO and its Member Countries, and particularly of the emphasis placed on health services research in support of activities to improve and extend the coverage of these services.

2. To commend the PAHO Advisory Committee on Medical Research for the work done.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 67


CD26.R21    The Directing Council

 Having examined the report of the Director (Document CD26/10) on the progress of the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) in the Americas and having been informed of the limited funds allocated to the program for the financial years 1980–1981;

 Having taken note of the continuing efforts made to develop the program at the country and regional levels and of the progress accomplished in implementing Resolutions WHA30.53 and WHA30.541 of the Thirtieth World Health Assembly and Resolution XXVII of the XXV Meeting of the Directing Council; and

 After analyzing the funding requirements of the EPI Revolving Fund for the Purchase of Vaccines,


1. To approve the program objectives and policy statement presented in the progress report on the Expanded Program on Immunization in the Americas (Document CD26/10) and particularly to emphasize the importance of this program as the entry point for primary health care and extension of coverage of health services.

2. To urge Member Governments to formulate specific plans for the conduct or maintenance of immunization activities and to include them in their request for technical cooperation through the PAHO Programming and Evaluation System (AMPES).

3. To recommend to the Member Governments that they make use of the EPI Revolving Fund for the Purchase of Vaccines.

4. To recommend to the Director that he study the feasibility of reallocating funds and other resources from related programs to reinforce immunization activities.

5. To repeat the invitation to the Member Governments and bilateral and multilateral agencies in a position to contribute funds or their equivalent in equipment and supplies to consider the limited resources available under the regular budget of the Organization and the ongoing nature of the Program, and to provide maximum long-term support through the WHO Voluntary Fund for Health Promotion (Special Account for the Expanded Program on Immunization) or on a bilateral basis, to ensure country programming on a five to ten year basis.

6. To request the Director to collaborate closely with Member Governments in applied research and health education, and in developing, through training and field support, the management capabilities of senior and middle-level supervisory personnel in order to establish effective and continuing systems of vaccine delivery that will lead to complete immunization coverage.

7. To request the Director to study the possibility of establishing a regional focal point for cold chain equipment development and testing to support these delivery systems.

8. To reiterate to the Member Countries the importance of bolstering information systems as components of the epidemiological surveillance program for evaluating the impact of activities for the prevention and control of diseases in general, and of those covered by the Expanded Program on Immunization in particular.

9. To request the Director to submit regular reports to the Directing Council on the progress of the Program, particularly on its coverage of children under one year of age and its impact on disease incidence.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 67


CD26.R22    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the report of the Technical Discussions on "Strategies for Extending and Improving Water Supply and Excreta Disposal Services during the Decade of the 1980s";1

 Considering the progress made in the 1960s and 1970s, as well as the present rate of rural and urban development of water supply and waste water and excreta disposal in the Region; and

 Aware of the importance of the targets proposed by the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (1976) and the United Nations Water Conference (1977) to provide water supply and sanitation services to as many people as possible during the decade 1981–1990, particularly to the underserved rural and urban populations,


1. To express its satisfaction with the manner in which the Technical Discussions were conducted and to thank the moderators, the rapporteurs, and the consultants for their valuable contributions to the Discussions.

2. To urge Member Governments:

a) to include the extension of water supplies and sanitation services, particularly in the underserved rural and urban areas, among the priority programs for national development, and to promote intersectoral collaboration with other sector developments;

b) to give high priority to active community participation in decision-making, implementation, and operation and maintenance of water supply and sanitation projects, particularly in rural areas;

c) to adopt appropriate technologies compatible with their social, cultural, and economic conditions and explore the feasibility of promoting the local manufacture of supplies and equipment for water supply and sanitation facilities;

d) to support and seek additional funds for institutional development and the training and continuing education of health personnel at all levels in order to improve the national absorptive capacity to utilize the funds to be invested; and

e) to explore new sources of financing for program development to supplement traditional mechanisms and external loans.

3. To request the Director:

a) to continue giving high priority to cooperating with Member Governments in strengthening their urban and rural water supply and sewerage programs including: i) the development of national, regional, and local strategies as well as institutions and low-cost simplified technology; ii) the full utilization of the resources of the Organization, particularly those at the Pan American Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences (CEPIS), for the training of personnel at all levels and the dissemination to Governments of information on the availability of such activities; iii) the establishment of systems for the exchange of information; iv) the identification and preparation of project proposals; and v) the seeking of extrabudgetary resources to further the collaboration with Governments in implementing their programs; and

b) to distribute widely the report of the Technical Discussions and the excellent background material, particularly to those agencies and groups outside the health field that are also concerned with furthering the objectives of the decade.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 69


CD26.R23    The Directing Council,

 Considering that the provisions of Rules 7, 8, and 9 of the Rules for Technical Discussions have been followed in selecting the topic for the 1981 Technical Discussions,


 To select the topic "Sanitary Control of Food" for the Technical Discussions to be held in 1981 during the XXVIII Meeting of the Directing Council of PAHO, XXXIII Meeting of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 70


CD26.R24    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the report "Study of WHO's Structures in the Light of Its Functions" prepared by the Ad Hoc Committee of the Executive Committee (annexed to Document CD26/27); and

 Bearing in mind the complexity of this study and its importance to the Region of the Americas and to the World Health Organization as a whole;

 Recognizing that this study derives from the concerns expressed by the Governing Bodies of PAHO and WHO over a significant period of time; and

 Noting with satisfaction that the documentation calls to the attention of Member Governments a number of key issues of particular importance in the Region,


1. To thank the Executive Committee and its Ad Hoc Committee for the report (annexed to Document CD26/27).

2. To commend the Director and his staff for their contributions to the work of the Ad Hoc Committee.

3. To request the 83rd Meeting of the Executive Committee, in consultation with the Director, to arrange for the prompt completion of the final report of the Region.

4. To request the Director to facilitate the incorporation of the salient features of the Council's discussions on this matter into the final Regional report.

5. To thank the Governments of Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, and Venezuela, which have already responded to the questionnaire.

6. To request the Director to transmit the final report on the study to the Director-General of WHO, on behalf of the Member Governments of the Region of the Americas.

7. To request the Director to report to the 84th Meeting of the Executive Committee on the results of the deliberations of the 65th Session of the Executive Board of WHO and the Thirty-third World Health Assembly on the regional responses to this Study and their implications for the Region of the Americas.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 71


CD26.R25    The Directing Council

 Having examined the progress report of the Governments and the Director on the steps taken toward the evaluation of the Ten-Year Health Plan for the Americas and the formulation of national and regional strategies for attaining the goal of health for all by the year 2000 (Document CD26 14);

 Cognizant of the need for every Government to define its national health goal for the year 2000 and to formulate the strategies for attaining it within the established time limits.

 Considering that the national strategies should form the basis for the formulation of regional strategies; and

 Bearing in mind that one Member Country intends to cosponsor a resolution at the 34th United Nations General Assembly related to the goal of health for all by the year 2000, within a multisectoral context in which health is an integral part of international development strategies.


1. To urge the Member Governments and the Director of PASB to continue following the work plan for the evaluation of the Ten-Year Health Plan for the Americas and the formulation of national and regional strategies for attaining the goal of health for all by the year 2000 agreed upon at the 82nd Meeting of the Executive Committee1

2. To urge the Member Governments to formulate their national strategies and to draw up action plans for their implementation.

3. To suggest to the Member Governments that in this process they promote and conduct multisectoral activities for ensuring that the other elements that enter into the well-being of communities help to attain the health goals of the countries.

4. To request the Governments to formulate regional strategy proposals based on their own national strategies and on the strategies of other countries, to enable the Directing Council to adopt the strategies for the Region of the Americas in its XXVII Meeting.

5. To recommend to Member Countries that at the XXXIV United Nations General Assembly they support initiatives aimed at giving recognition to the goal of health for all by the year 2000 in which health is considered one of the components of development and an integral part of the international development strategies.

6. To request the Director to provide the countries with such technical collaboration as they may require in this process.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 72


CD26.R26    The Directing Council,

 Considering that the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference instructed the Director in Resolution XIX to make the studies required for a possible decision on the organization to which the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center should be attached; and

 Considering that this Meeting of the Directing Council of PAHO has pronounced itself in favor of keeping the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center attached to PAHO as a regular program,


 To instruct the Director to keep in mind this favorable view of the Directing Council in continuing the aforementioned study and to include it in his subsequent report to the next Pan American Sanitary Conference.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 73


CD26.R27    The Directing Council,

 Considering that, in the course of the discussions of the XXVI Meeting of the Directing Council, concern was expressed about the current budgetary situation of the Pan American Zoonoses and Foot-and-Mouth Disease Centers and its relation to the technical programs and health priorities,


 To instruct the Director to give first priority to a comprehensive external evaluation of the Pan American Zoonoses and Foot-and-Mouth Disease Centers in compliance with operative paragraph 6 of Resolution XXXI of the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference, and to report the results thereof to the 84th Meeting of the Executive Committee in 1980.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 74


CD26.R28    The Directing Council,

 Bearing in mind the recommendations of the XII Inter-American Meeting, at the Ministerial Level, on Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Zoonoses Control,1 and having analyzed the proposal2 of the 82nd Meeting of the Executive Committee to increase the budgets of the Pan American Zoonoses and Foot-and-Mouth Disease Centers;

 Considering that it has been decided to instruct the Director to give first priority to a comprehensive external evaluation of these Centers, and that it is necessary to wait until the results of that evaluation are available; and

 Considering that it is essential to maintain the operating capacity of the Pan American Zoonoses and Foot-and-Mouth Disease Centers at its present level, in view of the effects of inflation on the execution of their budgets,


1. To approve a supplementary budget for the financial period 1980–1981 in the amount of $1,041,400 to be utilized in 1980 exclusively, as follows: $504,300 to the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center, and $537,100 to the Pan American Zoonoses Center, to be financed in accordance with the Financial Regulations of PAHO, by quotas of the Member and Participating Governments, according to the scale of assessments indicated below and in the corresponding amounts.

2. To direct the 84th Meeting of the Executive Committee to recommend to the XXVII Meeting of the Directing Council budgetary adjustments for 1981 on the basis of the evaluation of the Pan American Zoonoses and Foot-and-Mouth Disease Centers.

3. To instruct the Director to seek additional resources, either miscellaneous or extrabudgetary, to help finance the increases in the funding of the Pan American Zoonoses and Foot-and-Mouth Disease Centers. Any amounts from these quotas rendered surplus by the resources so obtained shall be credited to the quota contributions due from the countries.

Sept.–Oct 1979 OD 167, 74


CD26.R29    The Directing Council,

 Bearing in mind the decision of the Executive Committee at its 82nd Meeting (Resolution XVIII); and

 Pursuant to Article XVI1 of the Financial Regulations of the Pan American Health Organization,


 To take note of the amendments to the Financial Rules of the Pan American Health Organization, issued by the Director and confirmed by the Executive Committee at its 82nd Meeting (Resolution XVIII).

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 76


CD26.R30    The Directing Council

 Bearing in mind Resolution XVIII of the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference, in which 1980 is declared the "Year of Frontal Struggle with Malaria in the Americas";

 Considering that the III Meeting of Directors of the National Malaria Eradication Services in the Americas (Mexico, 1979) laid the basis for the development of a hemispheric plan of action against malaria (Document CD26/12, annex); and

 Recognizing that progress in the campaign against this disease depends on a joint effort by all the countries,


1. To request the Director to promote, and to collaborate with the Governments in, the formulation and strengthening of national plans geared to the situation in each country.

2. To request the Director to draw up, on the basis of the above-mentioned resolutions and recommendations, a plan for the promotion and support of malaria programs in the Hemisphere.

3. To urge the Governments to give top priority to the financing and implementation of those plans.

4. To request the Director and the Governments to explore all possible sources of funds for the support of malaria activities at the national and Hemispheric levels.

5. To request the Director to report to the XXVII Meeting of the Directing Council in 1980 on the development of this hemispheric plan, including specific components for individual countries.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 77


CD26.R31    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the progress report on the evaluation of the Pan American Centers (Document CD26/21, Annex I) submitted by the Director to the 82nd Meeting of the Executive Committee in compliance with Resolution XXXI of the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference;

 Bearing in mind that this resolution emphasizes the need for the Centers to relate their activities to the total PAHO program; and

 Noting that the 82nd Meeting of the Executive Committee also approved1 the schedule for reviews of all the Pan American Centers over the next five years, in conformity with the development of medium-term programming in the Region, starting with the Caribbean Epidemiology Center (CAREC) and the Latin American Center for Perinatology and Human Development (CLAP),


1. To thank the Director for the progress report on the evaluation of the Pan American Centers (Document CD26/21).

2. To take note of the progress being made in applying this model procedure to the detailed review of CAREC.

3. To request the Director to re-examine the schedule for evaluation of the Centers and to take such action as is necessary to have it completed in a shorter time than proposed.

4. To request the Director to present the final report on CAREC, the Pan American Zoonoses Center, and the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center, as well as a progress report on CLAP, to the 84th Meeting of the Executive Committee.

5. To request the Director to submit, in compliance with operative paragraph 7 of Resolution XXXI of the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference, a more detailed report on each of the Pan American Centers to the XXVII Meeting of the Directing Council.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 78


CD26.R32    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the report of the Director (Document CD26/20) on the coordination of social security and public health institutions;

 Bearing in mind that if the goal of health for all by the year 2000 is to be attained, it is necessary to adopt national policies that will lead to the extension of health services to the entire population, including the coordinated participation of the resources of the various institutions in the health sector; and

 Recognizing the utility of reviewing the traditional arrangements for the operation and financing of the systems of the social security agencies and the ministries of health,


1. To accept the report of the Director on the progress made in coordinating social security and public health institutions in the countries.

2. To reiterate to the Governments the advisability of adopting policies for extending the coverage of health services to the entire population, including the coordinated participation of social security and health ministry agencies.

3. To urge the Governments to develop alternative schemes or arrangements for the organization and delivery of services as part of their efforts to coordinate the institutions of the sector, achieve their financial and functional harmonization, and ensure proper utilization of their resources and installed capacity.

4. To request the Governments, when drawing up their investment plans for extending services to all communities, to ensure that provision is made for the participation of the various institutions in the sector.

5. To request the Director to make the necessary budgetary provisions for adequately supporting the activities mentioned above, and to report to the XXVIII Meeting of the Directing Council on the measures taken by the Organization in this field and on the progress made by the Member Countries.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 79


CD26.R33    The Directing Council,

 Bearing in mind that the essential characteristic of children is growth and development;

 Considering that the vulnerability of the growth process makes them sensitive not only to protein-calorie deficiencies but also to the lack of adequate psychosocial and social stimulation; and

 Bearing in mind that there is still much to be learned about the ecology of human development,


1. To recommend to the Governments that, in their programming of health activities, they take into account the growth and development of children, particularly in relation to the various interactions between growing children and their psychosocial milieu.

2. To instruct the Director to cooperate with the countries in the conduct of research on the variables involved in the psychosocial maturation of children and adolescents.

3. To recommend to the Director that an agenda be compiled for the promotion of regional meetings to consider the various aspects of the problem on an interdisciplinary basis, and to propose activities to be carried out under coverage extension programs.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 80


CD26.R34    The Directing Council,

 Considering the importance of the contribution of the health sector to the New International Economic Order;

 Mindful of the need to establish more clearly the relationships between economic development and health; and

 Noting that the Regional Committees should present their views to WHO for the purpose of enriching and amending the document on which the Technical Discussions of the World Health Assembly are to be based, and which will constitute a contribution by WHO to the special session of the United Nations General Assembly to be held in 1980,


1. To present to the Director-General of the World Health Organization for consideration a document based on the document of the Director-General (TDs/NIEO/79.1) and on the contributions of the representatives in the Directing Council. To this end, the Director is instructed to prepare, together with the Representative of Cuba, a summary of the discussions held in the Council on the topic, and to send it to the Director-General of the World Health Organization so that it may be taken into account in the preparation of the base paper for the Technical Discussions to be held at the Thirty-third World Health Assembly.

2. To request the Director to organize activities for analyzing the relationship between economic development and health, on the basis of the document referred to in the foregoing paragraph and with the participation of representatives of the Governments, in order to enrich the Technical Discussions at the next World Health Assembly.

3. To recommend to the Member Governments that they undertake activities similar to those requested of the Director, for the conduct of which they may request assistance from the Pan American Health Organization.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 80


CD26.R35    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the application presented by the Secretariat of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), and related documents, for authority to appoint an observer to the meetings of the Governing Bodies of the Organization;

 Considering that Article 26 of the Constitution of the Pan American Health Organization vests decisions on applications of this nature in the Conference and Directing Council; and

 Noting Resolution XXIII of the 82nd Meeting of the Executive Committee, and especially its reference to the study requested of the Director on the status of observers,


1. To approve the application presented by the Secretariat of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) for authority to appoint an observer to the meetings of the Directing Council and the Pan American Sanitary Conference.

2. To request the Director to transmit this decision to the Secretariat of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 81


CD26.R36    The Directing Council,

 Bearing in mind Resolution X of the XXIV Meeting of the Directing Council on emergency assistance to countries of the Americas, and Resolution XXII of the 82nd Meeting of the Executive Committee on the emergency preparedness and disaster relief coordination program in the Americas;

 Having examined the document presented by the Director on the disaster preparedness program in the Americas (Document CD26/11);

 Considering that emergency situations caused by natural or man-made disasters are bound to affect the health status of the countries of the Region, and that the ministries of health should play a leading role, within the civil defense system, in emergency preparedness and relief activities related to health; and

 Convinced that the most valuable contribution of the Organization in the wake of a disaster may be the speedy provision of technical cooperation.


1. To thank and commend the Director for the development of the Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Relief Coordination Program and for the technical cooperation and assistance provided to Member Countries during emergency situations since its inception.

2. To urge Member Governments to establish a high-level multisectoral group to coordinate all relief measures and an ongoing program to update emergency plans, train health personnel, and promote research and case studies to improve disaster management.

3. To urge Member Governments and funding agencies to contribute to the Natural Disaster Relief Voluntary Fund (PD) and promptly to provide the Organization with technical cooperation immediately following a disaster on the basis of agreements signed prior to the emergency.

4. To request the Director to maintain direct contact with all funding agencies and institutions in order to channel relief assistance towards areas of need in the health sector.

5. To invite the Director to increase the cooperation of the Organization in assessing emergency needs, preparation of damage estimates, and rehabilitation projects following a disaster.

6. To request the Director to center the efforts of the Organization on the training of health officials in charge of emergency preparedness and the coordination of relief efforts in Member Countries, including in actual emergencies whenever possible.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 82


CD26.R37    The Directing Council

 Having examined the report on the present status of leprosy programs in the Region of the Americas (Document CD26/17), submitted by the Director in accordance with Resolution XXV of the 82nd Meeting of the Executive Committee, and recalling Resolutions WHA29.70 and WHA32.391 of the World Health Assembly;

 Taking into account the increased incidence of tropical diseases and the expressed concern of several Governments in the Region; and

 Acknowledging the growing global interest in leprosy research and control and the increased availability of new sources of funds from various agencies.


1. To commend the Director for the concise and comprehensive report on leprosy in the Americas.

2. To urge the Director to make special efforts to obtain extrabudgetary funds for leprosy and tropical disease programs.

3. To continue and improve the current advisory and training services of the Organization supported by regular funds and to ensure that they meet the defined needs of national programming.

4. To support the development of national laboratories in order to improve their capacity for leprosy diagnosis, control, and research.

5. To commend and thank the Government of Venezuela for its support for the regional leprosy activities of PAHO through the Associated National Center for Research and Training in Leprosy and Tropical Diseases, which has set an outstanding example of technical cooperation among developing countries

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 83


CD26.R38    The Directing Council

 Having examined the Director's report and recommendations on the Diarrheal Disease Control Program for the Americas (Document CD26/16);

 Taking into consideration Resolutions WHA31.41 and WHA31.441 of the World Health Assembly, and Resolution XXVII of the 82nd Meeting of the Executive Committee; and

 Aware that diarrheal diseases pose particularly serious socioeconomic and public health problems in Latin America and the Caribbean.


1. To commend the Director for his longstanding commitment to reduce diarrheal disease morbidity and mortality through improved environmental sanitation and health education efforts.

2. To endorse in its entirety the Report of the Multidisciplinary Study Group on Acute Diarrheal Diseases, which outlines a new approach to diarrheal disease control and goal-oriented research based on short- and medium-term measures and calls for regional self-reliance in the production of oral rehydration salts.

3. To urge Member Countries:

a) to establish national diarrheal disease control programs within the context of their primary health care systems;

b) to designate national program coordinators to serve as focal points for diarrheal disease control activities;

c) to develop, in collaboration with PAHO, a work plan for their national diarrheal disease control programs.

d) to reallocate their own national resources to meet their program needs as much as possible:

e) to promote operational and basic research to further improve treatment and control strategies; and

f) to encourage PAHO to address critical program needs and consider reprogramming available country project funds to meet these needs.

4. To request the Director:

a) to proceed with the implementation of the proposed regional Diarrheal Disease Control Program;

b) to encourage Member Countries to establish national diarrheal disease control programs;

c) to review existing projects in primary health care, appropriate technology, maternal and child health and nutrition, and strengthen the diarrheal disease control components of those projects:

d) to approach Member Countries and bilateral, multilateral, and nongovernmental agencies for extrabudgetary funding for regional diarrheal disease control activities; and

e) to report to the Directing Council at its next meeting on the progress of the regional Diarrheal Disease Control Program and, in particular, on the prospects of regional self-reliance in the production of oral rehydration salts.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 84


CD26.R39    The Directing Council,

 Having considered Document CD26/28 presented by the Government of Mexico and the statement by the Representative of Colombia on the subject of salt fluoridation;

 Recognizing the magnitude of the problem of dental caries and of the lack of resources for dealing with it; and

 Mindful of the need for effective dental caries prevention programs that will reach every segment of the population,


1. To recommend to the Member Governments that they conduct salt fluoridation programs as a temporary alternative measure to complement water fluoridation programs.

2. To instruct the Director to promote under the oral health program new approaches for reaching the entire population, and the more vulnerable groups in particular.

3. To recommend to the Director that he promote the integration of oral health activities into programs for primary care and for the extension of coverage with appropriate technologies.

4. To request the Director to approach possible sources of financing for extrabudgetary funds to support the conduct of these activities in the countries.

Sept.–Oct. 1979 OD 167, 85



Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization
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