XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference


CSP21.R14 The XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference,

Having considered Document CSP21/24, which contains a PAHO Classified List of Programs based on the Program Classification System established by WHO under the Seventh General Program of Work (Annex C), and a tentative percentage distribution for 1984–1985 of PAHO/WHO Regular resources by the new program classification system and by location (Annex D);

Bearing in mind Resolution XVI of the XXVIII Meeting of the Directing Council which requests the Director to formulate the draft program and budget for 1984–1985 using certain guidelines provided; and

Noting the recommendations1 made by the 88th Meeting of the Executive Committee,


1. To accept the PAHO Classified List of Programs set forth in Annex C of Document CSP21/24, with the addition of Classification 2.6. Disaster Preparedness, and with modifications in some of the classification descriptions to take into account recommendations of the Subcommittee on Long-Term Planning and Programming, as the structure to be used in the 1984–1985 program and budget document, while requesting the Director to continue to work with WHO to develop appropriate adjustments in either the WHO or PAHO classification systems to ensure that they are as identical as possible, and present the results of these discussions to the Executive Committee for its approval.

2. To request the Director to:

a) Increase the proportion of funds allocated to country programs to at least 35 per cent of the PAHO/WHO Regular budget, taking into account the proposed programs and budgets to be submitted by the Member Countries, in formulating the draft program and budget for 1984–1985.

b) Make appropriate reductions in other budgetary locations, taking into account the regional baseline target areas established in Chapter 6 of Part II of Official Document 173 (Health for All by the Year 2000-Strategies), and the ongoing studies related to the PAHO Centers and the Area Offices;

c) Make a study of the matter with a view to establishing a more equitable form of distributing PAHO resources, endeavoring to pay due attention to the needs and characteristics of the countries, and to report thereon to the 90th Meeting of the Executive Committee in 1983.

Sept. 1982 OD 185, 63