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Washington, D.C., 1-5 October 2007

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Official Documents - Final Report - Working Documents - Information Documents
Resolutions - Decisions - Diverse Documents

Official Documents

Final Report

Working Documents

  • CSP27/1, Rev. 2
    -  Agenda

  • CSP27/2, Rev. 2
    -  List of Participants

  • CSP27/3
    -  Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Pan American Sanitary Conference

  • CSP27/4
    -  Annual Report of the President of the Executive Committee

  • CSP27/5
    -  Election of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau and Nomination of the Regional Director of the World Health Organization for the Americas

  • CSP27/6, Rev. 1
    -  Election of Three Member States to the Executive Committee on the Expiration of the Periods of Office of Canada, Cuba, and Venezuela

  • CSP27/7
    - Elimination of Rubella and Congenital Rubella Syndrome in the Americas: Progress Report

  • CSP27/8
    - Avian Flu and Pandemic Influenza: Progress Report

  • CSP27/9
    -  Malaria in the Americas: Progress Report

  • CSP27/10
    -  Regional Goals for Human Resources for Health 2007-2015

  • CSP27/11
    -  International Health Security

  • CSP27/11, Add. I
    -  Provisional Agenda: International Health Security Roundtable

  • CSP27/11, Add. II
    -  Final Report - International Health Security Roundtable: Implementing the International Health Regulations (IHR (2005))

  • CSP27/12
    -  Safe Hospitals: A Regional Initiative on Disaster-resilient Health Facilities

  • CSP27/13
    -  Strategy for Strengthening Vital and Health Statistics in the Countries of the Americas

  • CSP27/14
    -  Faces, Voices, and Places: A Community-based Response to the Millennium Development Goals

  • CSP27/15
    -  Dengue Prevention and Control in the Americas: Integrated Approach and Lessons Learned

  • CSP27/16
    -  Regional Policy and Strategy for Ensuring Quality of Health Care, Including Patient Safety

  • CSP27/16, Corrig.
    -  Regional Policy and Strategy for Ensuring Quality of Health Care, Including Patient Safety

  • CSP27/17
    -  International Public Sector Accounting Standards

  • CSP27/18
    -  Master Capital Investment Fund

  • CSP27/19
    -  Report on the Collection of Quota Contributions

  • CSP27/19, Add. I
    -  Report on the Collection of Quota Contributions

  • CSP27/19, Add. II
    -  Report on the Collection of Quota Contributions

  • CSP27/20
    -  Report on the Activities of the Internal Oversight Services Unit

  • CSP27/21
    -  Appointment of the External Auditor

  • CSP27/22
    -  Salary of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau

  • CSP27/23
    -  Selection of One Member State from the Region of the Americas Entitled to Designate a Person to Serve on the Joint Coordinating Board of the UNICEF/uNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), on the Expiration of the Period of Office of Cuba

  • CSP27/24
    -  PAHO Award for Administration 2007

  • CSP27/25
    -  Abraham Horwitz Award for Leadership in Inter-American Health 2007

  • CSP27/26
    -  Manuel Velasco-Suárez Award in Bioethics 2007

Information Documents

  • CSP27/INF/1
    -  Report of the Advisory Committee on Health Research

  • CSP27/INF/2
    -  Resolutions and Other Actions of the Sixtieth World Health Assembly of Interest to the Regional Committee


  • CSP27.R1
    -  Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Pan American Sanitary Conference

  • CSP27.R2
    -  Elimination of Rubella and Congenital Rubella Syndrome in the Americas

  • CSP27.R3
    -  Report on the Collection of Quota Contributions

  • CSP27.R4
    -  Strategic Plan of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau 2008-2012

  • CSP27.R5
    -  Program Budget of the Pan American Health Organization 2008-2009

  • CSP27.R6
    -  Assessments of the Member States, Participating States, and Associate Members of the Pan American Health Organization for 2008-2009

  • CSP27.R7
    -  Regional Goals for Human Resources for Health 2007-2015

  • CSP27.R8
    -  Election of Three Member States to the Executive Committee on the Expiration of the Periods of Office of Canada, Cuba, and Venezuela

  • CSP27.R9
    - Election of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau and Nomination of the Regional Director of the World Health Organization for the Americas

  • CSP27.R10
    -  Regional Policy and Strategy for Ensuring Quality of Health Care, Including Patient Safety

  • CSP27.R11
    -  Malaria in the Americas

  • CSP27.R12
    -  Strategy for Strengthening Vital and Health Statistics in the Countries of the Americas

  • CSP27.R13
    -  International Health Security: Implementing the International Health Regulations (IHR (2005))

  • CSP27.R14
    -  Safe Hospitals: A Regional Initiative on Disaster-Resilient Health Facilities

  • CSP27.R15
    -  Dengue Prevention and Control in the Americas

  • CSP27.R16
    -  Appointment of the External Auditor

  • CSP27.R17
    -  Salary of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau

  • CSP27.R18
    -  International Public Sector Accounting Standards

  • CSP27.R19
    -  Master Capital Investment Fund


  • CSP27(D1)
    -  Appointment of the Committee on Credentials

  • CSP27(D2)
    -  Election of Officers

  • CSP27(D3)
    -  Adoption of the Agenda

  • CSP27(D4)
    -  Establishment of a Working Party to Study the Application of Article 6.B of the PAHO Constitution

  • CSP27(D5)
    -  Establishment of the General Committee

  • CSP27(D6)
    -  Selection of One Member State from the Region of the Americas Entitled to Designate a Person to Serve on the Joint Coordinating Board of the UNICEF/uNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Program for Research and Training in Tropic Diseases

Diverse Documents

  • CSP27/div/1
    -  Information for Delegates

  • CSP27/div/2
    -  Welcoming Remarks by the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Dr. Mirta Roses Periago

  • CSP27/div/3
    -  Welcome on Behalf of the Host Country by the Secretary of Health and Human Services of the USA, Hon. Mike Leavitt

  • CSP27/div/4
    -  Remarks by the National Coordinator and Special Envoy to the Americas, V Summit of the Americas, Ambassador Luis Alberto Rodriguéz

  • CSP27/div/5
    -  Remarks by the UNICEF Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, Mr. Nils Kastberg (in Spanish)

  • CSP27/div/6
    -  Address by the Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Ambassador Albert Ramdin

  • CSP27/div/7
    -  Address by the Director-General of the World Health Organization, Dr. Margaret Chan

  • CSP27/div/8
    -  Acceptance speech by Dr. Mirta Roses Periago

  • CSP27/div/9
    -  Speech by the Winner of the PAHO Award for Administration 2007, Dr. Armando Mariano Reale (in Spanish)

  • CSP27/div/10
    -  Speech by the Winner of the Abraham Horwitz Award for Leadership in Inter-American Health 2007, Dr. María Cristina Escobar Fritzsche (in Spanish)

  • CSP27/div/11
    -  Speech by the Winner of the Manuel Velasco-Suárez Award in Bioethics, Dr. Jorge Alberto álvarez Díaz (in Spanish)

  • CSP27/div/12
    -  Address of the First Lady of the Dominican Republic, Dr. Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, on the Elimination of Rubella and Congenital Rubella Syndrome in the Americas

Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization
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Tel.: +1 (202) 974-3000 Fax: +1 (202) 974-3663

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