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47th Directing Council

Washington, D.C., 25-29 September 2006

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Working Documents   |   Information Documents   |   Resolutions   |   Summary Records  |   Final Report

Official Documents

  • Official Document 323
    -  Financial Report of the Director and Report of the External Auditor 2004-2005

Working Documents

  • CD47/1, Rev. 3
    -  Agenda

  • CD47/2
    -  List of Participants

  • CD47/3
    -  Process of Election of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau

  • CD47/4
    -  Improvement of the Rules of Procedure of the Directing Council

  • CD47/5
    -  Annual Report of the President of the Executive Committee

  • CD47/6 and CD47/6, Corrig.
    -  Annual Report of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau

  • CD47/7
    -  Election of Three Member States to the Executive Committee on the Expiration of the Periods of Office of Argentina, Barbados, and Costa Rica

  • CD47/8 and CD47/8, Corrig.
    -  Development of a Health Agenda for the Americas, 2008-2017

  • CD47/9 and CD47/9, Corrig.
    -  Methodology for the Formulation of the Strategic Plan for the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, 2008-2012

  • CD47/10 and CD47/10, Add. I
    -  Performance Assessment Report of the Biennial Program Budget of the Pan American Health Organization, 2004-2005

  • CD47/11, Rev. 1
    -  Regional Strategy for Sustaining National Immunization Programs in the Americas

  • CD47/12
    -  Neonatal Health in the Context of Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health for the Attainment of the Development Goals of the United Nations Millennium Declaration

  • CD47/13
    -  Health of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas

  • CD47/14
    -  Proposed 10-Year Regional Plan on Oral Health

  • CD47/15 and CD47/15, Corrig.
    -  Disability: Prevention and Rehabilitation in the Context of the Right to the Enjoyment of the Highest Attainable Standard of Physical and Mental Health and Other Related Rights

  • CD47/16
    -  Health Promotion: Achievements and Lessons Learned from Ottawa to Bangkok and Future Perspectives

  • CD47/17, Rev. 1
    -  Regional Strategy and Plan of Action on an Integrated Approach to the Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases, including Diet, Physical Activity, and Health

  • CD47/18
    -  Regional Strategy and Plan of Action on Nutrition in Health and Development, 2006-2015

  • CD47/19
    -  Human Resources in Health-Critical Challenges for the Region of the Americas: Round Tables

  • CD47/20
    -  Report of the WHO Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation, and Public Health

  • CD47/21, CD47/21,Corrig., CD47/21,Corrig. 2 and CD47/21,Corrig. 3
    -  WHO Draft Medium-term Strategic Plan, 2008-2013, and Draft Proposed Program Budget 2008-2009

  • CD47/22, CD47/22, Add. I and CD47/22, Add. II
    -  Report on the Collection of Quota Contributions

  • CD47/23
    -  Report on the Activities of the Internal Oversight Services

  • CD47/24
    -  Amendments to the Financial Regulations

  • CD47/25
    -  Process for the Appointment of the External Auditor

  • CD47/26
    -  Process for Implementing the New Scale of Quota Assessments Based on the New OAS Scale

  • CD47/27
    -  Salary of the Director and Amendments to the Staff Rules and Staff Regulations of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau

  • CD47/28
    -  Selection of Two Member States from the Region of the Americas Entitled to Designate a Representative to the Policy and Coordination Committee of the UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Program of Research, Development, and Research Training in Human Reproduction on the Expiration of the Periods of Office of Colombia and Ecuador

  • CD47/29
    -  Selection of One Member State from the Region of the Americas Entitled to Designate a Person to Serve on the Joint Coordinating Board of the UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), on the Expiration of the Period of Office of Panama

  • CD47/30
    -  PAHO Award for Administration, 2006

  • CD47/31
    -  Abraham Horwitz Award for Leadership in Inter-American Health, 2006

  • CD47/32
    -  WHO Programme Budget 2004-2005: Performance Assessment Report

  • CD47/33
    -  Update on the Process of Institutional Strengthening of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau

  • CD47/34
    -  Progress Report on National and Regional Health Disaster Preparedness and Response

  • CD47/35
    -  Report of the Advisory Committee on Health Research

Information Documents

  • CD47/INF/1
    -  Commission on Social Determinants of Health: Panel Discussion

  • CD47/INF/2
    -  Strategic Alliance for the Attainment of the Development Goals of the United Nations Millennium Declaration: Panel Discussion

  • CD47/INF/3
    -  Review of the Pan American Centers

  • CD47/INF/4
    -  Progress Report on National and Regional Health Disaster Preparedness and Response

  • CD47/INF/5
    -  Influenza Pandemic: Progress Report

  • CD47/INF/6
    -  Resolutions and Other Actions of the Fifty-ninth World Health Assembly of Interest to the Regional Committee


  • CD47.R1
    -  Disability: Prevention and Rehabilitation in the Context of the Right to the Enjoyment of the Highest Attainable Standard of Physical and Mental Health and Other Related Rights

  • CD47.R2
    -  Report of the Collection of Quota Contributions

  • CD47.R3
    -  Health Agenda for the Americas, 2008-2017

  • CD47.R4
    -  Process for the Election of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau

  • CD47.R5
    -  Election of Three Member States to the Executive Committee on the Expiration of the Periods of Office of Argentina, Barbados, and Costa Rica

  • CD47.R6
    -  Improvement of the Rules of Procedure of the Directing Council

  • CD47.R7
    -  Public Health, Health Research, Production, and Access to Essencial Medicines

  • CD47.R8
    -  Regional Strategy and Plan of Action on Nutrition in Health and Development, 2006-2015

  • CD47.R9
    -  Regional Strategy and Plan of Action on an Integrated Approach to the Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases, including Diet, Physical Activity, and Health

  • CD47.R10
    -  Regional Strategy for Sustaining National Immunization Programs in the Americas

  • CD47.R11
    -  Methodology for the Formulation of the Strategic Plan for the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, 2008-2012

  • CD47.R12
    -  Proposed 10-Year Regional Plan on Oral Health

  • CD47.R13
    -  Amendments to the Financial Regulations

  • CD47.R14
    -  Process for the Appointment of the External Auditor

  • CD47.R15
    -  Salary of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau

  • CD47.R16
    -  Amendments to the Staff Regulations of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau

  • CD47.R17
    -  Process for Implementing the New Scale of Quota Assessments Based on the New OAS Scale

  • CD47.R18
    -  Health of the Indigenous Peoples in the Americas

  • CD47.R19
    -  Neonatal Health in the Context of Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health for the Attainment of the Development Goals of the United Nations Millennium Declaration

  • CD47.R20
    -  Health Promotion: Achievements and Aspirations contained in the Ottawa and Bangkok Charters

Summary Records

  • CD47/SR/1
    -  First Session, Monday, 25 September 2006

  • CD47/SR/2
    -  Second Session, Monday, 25 September 2006

  • CD47/SR/3
    -  Third Session, Tuesday, 26 September 2006

  • CD47/SR/4
    -  Fourth Session, Tuesday, 26 September 2006

  • CD47/SR/5
    -  Fifth Session, Wednesday, 27 September 2006

  • CD47/SR/6
    -  Sixth Session, Wednesday, 27 September 2006

  • CD47/SR/7
    -  Seventh Session, Thursday, 28 September 2006

  • CD47/SR/8
    -  Eighth Session, Thursday, 28 September 2006

  • CD47/SR/9
    -  Ninth Session, Friday, 29 September 2006

Final Report

Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization
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