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XIX Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization




CD29.R1    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the document on this subject presented by the Director (Document CD29/21);

 Mindful of the observations made on this matter during the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference;

 Considering that the existing information on health conditions and progress in improving them in the countries of the Americas is steadily increasing and is more closely related to the goals and objectives of the Organization and its Member Governments; and

 Cognizant of the financial burden to the Governments of sending delegations to Pan American Sanitary Conferences,


1. To suggest to the XXII Pan American Sanitary Conference that it adopt the following guidelines on this matter:

a) Request that the Member Governments present in writing their reports to the Pan American Sanitary Conference on health conditions and progress made in the intervals between the Conferences;

b) Determine that those reports shall not exceed six double-spaced typewritten pages, for inclusion in extenso in the verbatim records of the Conference:

c) Establish that the delegations will also have an opportunity, during the discussion of the Director's Quadrennial Report, to take the floor for no longer than 10 minutes, and that to do so they must register in advance with the Officers of the Meeting, the President of the Conference enforcing compliance with this rule;

d) Urge the delegates that, in addition to complying with rules a), b), and c) above, they distribute their own printed matter on this subject to the other delegations, in the understanding that the shipment, reproduction, translation, and printing of those materials shall be the exclusive responsibility of the Member Governments.

2. To establish that Member Governments wishing to make general presentations on health conditions in their countries during the meetings of the Directing Council should adhere to the following rules:

a) Presentations should be typed double-spaced on not more than six pages for inclusion in extenso in the summary records;

b) Delegations will also have an opportunity to take the floor for no longer than 10 minutes, and to do so they must register in advance with the Officers of the Meeting.

3. To request that the Director establish an automatic mechanism to enable the Officers of the Pan American Sanitary Conference and the Directing Council to monitor the time allowed each speaker.

Sept–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 48



CD29.R2    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the report presented by the Director on the study of the functions of the Area Offices of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (Document CD29/18);

 Recalling Resolution XII of the XXVIII Meeting of the Directing Council and Resolution XVI of the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference; and

 Mindful of the provision of the regional Plan of Action to increase the operating capacity of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau to support national and regional processes,


1. To thank the Director for the study of the functions of the Area Offices of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (Document CD29/18).

2. To approve the Director's recommendation in this study that the Area Offices be eliminated with effect from 1 January 1984, as well as the measures proposed for accomplishing this end, including the administrative actions and their implementation schedule, as set forth in Document CD29/18.

3. To recommend to the Director that he initiate negotiations with the countries in which Area Offices are located to review and conclude new Basic Agreements for the establishment of Country Representative Offices, similar to the agreements in effect with other Member Governments of the Organization.

4. To request the Director to evaluate the extent and effectiveness of the proposed implementing measures and to report on the advances made in this direction to the Meeting of the Directing Council in 1985.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 50



CD29.R3    The Directing Council,

 Having considered Document CD29/15 on the distribution of the financial resources of PAHO, and having heard the presentation by the Executive Committee;

 Bearing in mind Resolutions XVI of the XXVIII Meeting of the Directing Council and XIV of the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference, which request the Director to study the allocation of PAHO budget resources among Member Countries; and

 Noting the recommendations made by the 90th Meeting of the Executive Committee,


1. To note the report on the distribution of the financial resources of PAHO (Document CD29/15).

2. To thank the Director and the Working Group for the detailed and illuminating study and the Executive Committee for its careful review of this matter.

3. To urge the Director to take into account the recommendations contained in the study and the observations made during the discussions of the Executive Committee for establishing planning ceilings for the 1986–1987 country program budget, including the importance of regional and national priorities as expressed in the Regional Strategies and the Plan of Action to attain the goal of health for all by the year 2000, governmental commitment, the absorptive capacity of the national administrations, and special situations, in addition to the appropriate quantitative indicators.

4. To urge the Director to continue to examine this question periodically, and particularly to review, with the participation of the Member Countries, the appropriate factors in light of the different and changing circumstances within the Region.

5. To ask the Director to include in the report on the 1986–1987 program budget to the 94th Meeting of the Executive Committee an analysis of the impact of this study on the distribution of resources contained within that proposed budget.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 51



CD29.R4    The Directing Council,

 Bearing in mind that it has been the practice of the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization to have the same External Auditor, and that the holder of the office of Comptroller and Auditor General of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, who has been appointed External Auditor of the World Health Organization for the financial periods 1984–1985 and 1986-1987, has expressed a willingness to serve as External Auditor of the Pan American Health Organization,


 To appoint the holder of the office of Comptroller and Auditor General of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland External Auditor of the accounts of the Pan American Health Organization for the financial periods 1984–1985 and 1986–1987, and to request him to conduct his audits in accordance with the principles set forth in Article XII of the PAHO Financial Regulations, with the provision that, should the need arise, he may designate a representative to act for him in his absence.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 52



CD29.R5    The Directing Council,

 Having considered the recommendation of the 90th Meeting of the Executive Committee and the proposed changes in the Financial Regulations proposed in Document CD29/31; and

 Taking into consideration that the changes in the Regulations will provide conformity between the Financial Regulations of WHO and PAHO with respect to the availability of appropriations,


 To approve the changes in the Financial Regulations of the Pan American Health Organization as they appear in Document CD29/31.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 52



CD29.R6    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the study on the holding of Technical Discussions during meetings of the Directing Council and the Pan American Sanitary Conference, prepared in compliance with Resolution XXVI of the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference (Document CD29/8);

 Aware of the need to enable the Governing Bodies to give all necessary time to the study and approval of the proposed biennial program budgets of the Pan American Health Organization, without detriment to the interest and importance that must attach to the holding of Technical Discussions of the highest quality; and

 Bearing in mind Resolution XIV of the 90th Meeting of the Executive Committee,


1. That no Technical Discussions are to be held during meetings of the Directing Council or Pan American Sanitary Conference in which the proposed program budget of the Pan American Health Organization is to be studied and approved.

2. That Technical Discussions are to open with a statement on the chosen topic, prepared by a group of experts of established standing in the subject.

3. That the duration of Technical Discussions is to be limited to the working hours of the Saturday of the first week of the meeting.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 53



CD29.R7    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the Annual Report of the Chairman of the Executive Committee (Document CD29/5) on the work of the Committee from October 1982 to date, the period during which the 89th and 90th Meetings were held; and

 Bearing in mind the provisions of Article 9.C of the Constitution of the Pan American Health Organization,


1. To take note of the Annual Report of the Chairman of the Executive Committee (Document CD29/5).

2. To congratulate the Chairman and the other members and observers of the Committee on their excellent work.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 54



CD29.R8    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the Annual Report of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau for 1982 (Document CD29/4); and

 Bearing in mind the provisions of Article 9.C of the Constitution of the Pan American Health Organization,


1. To take note of the Annual Report of the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau for 1982.

2. To commend the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau for the work accomplished by PAHO during the period covered by the Report.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 54



CD29.R9    The Directing Council,

 Having considered the report of the Director on the collection of quota contributions (Document CD29/27 and Add. I and II);

 Considering the importance of prompt and full payment of quota contributions in ensuring the financing of the authorized program and budget and maintaining the Organization in a sound financial position; and

 Noting the report of the working party on the application of Article 6.B of the PAHO Constitution, relating to the suspension of voting privileges of Member Governments that fail to meet their financial obligations,


1. To take note of the report of the Director on the collection of quota contributions (Document CD29/27 and Add. I and II).

2. To thank the Member Governments that have already made payments in 1983 and to urge the other Governments to pay their current quotas as early as possible in the year in which they are due, so that the work of the Organization can continue and the financial burden of its program can be spread fairly among all Members.

3. To request the Director to continue to inform the Governments of any balance due.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 55



CD29.R10    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the Interim Financial Report of the Director for the year 1982 (Official Document 189); and

 Recognizing that the Organization continues to be in a sound financial situation,


1. To take note of the Interim Financial Report of the Director for the year 1982 (Official Document 189).

2. To congratulate the Director for having maintained a sound financial condition.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 56



CD29.R11    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the report of the working party established to study the application of Article 6.B of the Constitution of PAHO relating to the suspension of voting privileges of Governments that fail to meet their financial obligations; and

 In view of the proposals of the above-mentioned working party for granting the three countries more than two years in arrears a further opportunity to pay their outstanding quotas through deferred payment plans,


1. To permit the representatives of the countries referred to in the report of the working party to exercise the privilege of the vote at the current Meeting of the Directing Council.

2. To instruct the Director to officially inform the Governments concerned of the quota payment conditions recommended by the working party studying the application of Article 6.B and approved by this Meeting of the Directing Council.

3. To instruct the 92nd Meeting of the Executive Committee to conduct a review of the situation of the countries in arrears in an amount exceeding the sum of their quotas for two full years, and to report on their findings and recommendations to the XXX Meeting of the Directing Council.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 56



CD29.R12    The Directing Council,

 Mindful that the 90th Meeting of the Executive Committee recommended "Workers' Health"1 as the topic for the Technical Discussions in 1985:

 Having decided (Resolution VI) that Technical Discussions are to be held only in even years; and

 Desirous that Technical Discussions be held on so important a subject,


 To declare "Workers' Health" selected as the topic for the Technical Discussions to be held in 1986 during the XXII Pan American Sanitary Conference.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 57



CD29.R13    The Directing Council

 Considering that national evaluation and monitoring processes are of key importance in steering the efforts of the countries toward attainment of the goal of health for all by the year 2000, and must be made a part of every national administration and planning process, and be designed, organized, and implemented in keeping with the particular circumstances of each country;

 Cognizant of the need for systematic evaluation and monitoring, at the regional and global levels, of the national processes for attaining the goal of health for all by the year 2000 as an aid to the Organization and its Member Governments in guiding and adjusting their policies, priorities, strategies, and programs; and

 Noting that this evaluation and monitoring at the regional level must be based on the information of the national analyses.


1. To approve the preliminary report on the situation in the Region of the Americas in regard to the strategies for health for all by the year 2000 (Document CD29/24).

2. To urge the Governments to give highest priority to the continued adjustment of their national evaluation and monitoring processes as part of their planning and administration for the most effective and efficient attainment of the goal.

3. To request the Governments to provide in due time the information needed to consolidate the evaluation and monitoring processes at the regional and global levels.

4. To request the Director to intensify the Organization's support measures to Member Countries for national and regional planning and administration processes and, within these, for evaluation and monitoring procedures.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 58



CD29.R14    The Directing Council,

 Having reviewed the report of the Award Committee of the PAHO Award for Administration and Resolution XVI of the 90th Meeting of the Executive Committee (Document CD29/19 and Annexes); and

 Bearing in mind the regulations set forth in the Procedure and Guidelines governing the PAHO Award for Administration,


 To declare Dr. Arnaldo Tejeiro Fernández of Cuba winner of the PAHO Award for Administration, 1983.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 59



CD29.R15    The Directing Council

 Having examined the report of the Director (Document CD29/12) on blood transfusion services;

 Noting Resolution XXIX of the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference establishing the year 1990 as the goal for achieving effective blood transfusion services in the Region, and mindful of Resolution WHA28.721 of the World Health Assembly; and

 Considering that Resolution XVIII of the 90th Meeting of the Executive Committee recommended the approval of the regional program of work suggested by the Consultative Meeting for strengthening blood transfusion services in Latin America and the Caribbean,


1. To approve the regional program of work summarized in Document CD29/12, in the context of the Plan of Action for the Implementation of Regional Strategies to achieve health for all by the year 2000.

2. To urge Member Governments to take the requisite action for financing and implementing the recommendations of the Consultative Meeting, as appropriate in each country.

3. To urge Member Governments that have not yet done so to frame policies for the preparation of a national program of blood transfusion, with special attention directed to the ethical and health aspects of the services.

4. To reaffirm the need for national health authorities to follow closely the development of blood transfusion services with due regard for the actual situations in their countries, and to assume responsibility for the regulation and enforcement activities related to blood services, necessary to assure the safety of donors and recipients.

5. To recommend that Member Governments make adequate provision for funding and to facilitate the availability of essential materials.

6. To recommend that the Director take appropriate action for the development of this program and in particular facilitate technical cooperation as available funds permit and in accordance with the Plan of Action for the Implementation of Regional Strategies for health for all by the year 2000.

7. To request that the Director present to the 92nd Meeting of the Executive Committee a progress report on the implementation of the program.

Sept.–Oct 1983 OD 192, 59



CD29.R16    The Directing Council

 Having examined the Director's progress report on the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) in the Americas (Document CD29/23), and recognizing the limited funds allocated to the Program for the financial period 1984–1985;

 Having taken note of the continuing efforts made to implement this program at country and regional levels;

 Recognizing that progress of the EPI is an essential element of the strategies to achieve health for all by the year 2000; and

 Recognizing that progress has been slow in most countries of the Region and if it is not accelerated the program goals will not be met by 1990,


1. To urge countries to:

a) Set biennial targets for immunization coverage in children under one year of age and pregnant women and for the reduction of the morbidity and mortality of the diseases involved;

b) Use immunization coverage in children under one year of age and pregnant women as an important indicator of the performance of maternal and child health services;

c) Use morbidity and mortality data from measles, poliomyelitis, and neonatal tetanus as indicators of program development and impact;

d) Use surveillance of vaccine-preventable diseases as another indicator of development of national epidemiological surveillance systems;

e) Act on the Five-Point Action Program adopted by Resolution WHA35.311 of May 1982;

f) Step up their evaluation of immunization programs and their implementation of recommendations emerging in the course of that process.

2. To request the Director to:

a) Continue giving high priority to EPI at all levels of the Organization;

b) Use the progress achieved by EPI as an indicator of the success of PAHO's technical cooperation in achieving the goal of health for all by the year 2000;

c) Make a study of the vaccine production capacity of the Member Countries and of the quality and cost of the vaccines, with a view to their possible use in the EPI;

d) Renew efforts to assure full capitalization of the EPI Revolving Fund;

e) Promote evaluation of activities in the countries and assist in carrying them out in countries where he may deem this advisable;

f) Report to the 94th Meeting of the Executive Committee in 1985 on the progress of the program and on application of the recommendations put forward herein.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 61



CD29.R17    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the Director's report on drug abuse prevention (Document CD29/22);

 Taking into account Resolution XLI of the XXVII Meeting of the Directing Council and Resolution XXV of the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference, which call upon the Member Governments and the Director to collaborate in strengthening national drug abuse control efforts;

 Bearing in mind that drug abuse appears to be one of the fastest growing public health problems in the Region;

 Aware that scientific evaluation should accompany any efforts to reduce drug abuse in order to assess their effectiveness;

 Recognizing that the social and health impact of the drug abuse problem in the Region has not been evaluated and is not being monitored; and

 Taking into consideration the importance of such studies in identifying the patterns of drug abuse and some of the principal causal factors as well as pointing out fruitful areas for prevention.


1. To urge the Member Governments to:

a) Be mindful of the need to make ongoing epidemiological assessments of the drug abuse problem, as the basis for developing appropriate prevention strategies;

b) Review or develop their national drug abuse plans and activities with an eye toward strengthening the health sector input;

c) Explore new mechanisms for encouraging and supporting community participation in the prevention of drug abuse.

2. To urge the Director to ensure that the Organization:

a) Give priority to drug abuse prevention within the program budget and seek additional extrabudgetary resources to undertake drug abuse prevention efforts;

b) Strengthen the ability of the Secretariat to provide the Member Governments with additional technical support, particularly in the control of ilicit drugs, the development of effective national strategies, and the development of drug abuse data collection systems;

c) Collaborate with Member Governments in designing and planning a regional strategy to monitor, prevent, and combat drug abuse on a continuing basis, including an analysis of the necessary resources;

d) Collaborate with Member Governments in designing and evaluating community prevention programs.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 62



CD29.R18    The Directing Council,

 Having considered the document presented by the Government of Canada on the function of nursing personnel in primary health care;

 Cognizant of the very important role the nursing staff plays on the health team in pursuing the goal of health for all by the year 2000; and

 Mindful of Resolutions CE72.R21, CSP19.R28, CD23.R29, CD25.R24, and CD27.R19 adopted by the Governing Bodies over the last decade and urging the Member Governments to intensify their efforts to improve the organization of nursing services and to redirect education programs in order to strengthen the contribution of nursing to the enterprise of extending care services to the entire population, in accordance with the goal of health for all by the year 2000,


1. To thank the Government of Canada for its presentation of the aforementioned document and for its interest in the development of nursing in the Region.

2. To recommend to the Member Governments that they promote and recognize the participation of nursing in the taking of decisions involving their role in strengthening coverage extension programs with auxiliary, technical, and professional staff so as to enhance the quality of the care provided; give support to reorientation of the curricula of education programs; strengthen the preparation of teaching staff in aspects of community health; and give momentum to research and to the establishment of networks of scientific and technical information in the nursing field.

3. To request the Director to cooperate with the Member Governments in the effective implementation of the recommendations and to report periodically to the Governing Bodies on gains in this area.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 63



CD29.R19    The Directing Council

Elected Canada, Costa Rica, and Dominica to the Executive Committee upon termination of the periods of office of Argentina, Jamaica, and Nicaragua, and thanked the Governments of these countries for the services rendered to the Organization by their representatives on the Committee.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 64



CD29.R20    The Directing Council,

 Bearing in mind that the composition of the Joint Coordinating Board of the UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases includes 12 members selected by the WHO Regional Committee from among those countries directly affected by the diseases about which the Program is concerned, or from those countries providing technical or scientific support to the Program; and

 Considering that one of these 12 countries must be selected this year by the Regional Committee for the Americas,


 To select the Government of Venezuela to designate a representative to serve on the Joint Coordinating Board for a period of three years.

Sept.-Oct. 1983 OD 192, 65



CD29.R21    The Directing Council,

 Recognizing that there is a close interrelationship between infant and young child nutrition and socioeconomic development;

 Concerned that inappropriate feeding practices of infants and young children result in greater incidence of infant mortality, malnutrition, and disease, especially in conditions of poverty and poor hygiene;

 Conscious that breastfeeding is the ideal method of infant feeding during the first months of life and should be promoted and protected in all countries;

 Convinced that Member Governments have important responsibilities and a fundamental role to play in the promotion of good nutrition and in the protection of breastfeeding and sound weaning practices as a means of improving infant and young child health; and

 Recalling Resolution WHA33.321 on Infant and Young Child Feeding and Resolution WHA34.222 adopting the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes,


1. To urge all Member Governments to:

a) Give full support to their implementation of the recommendations made by the Joint WHO/UNICEF Meeting on Infant and Young Child Feeding (1979), and on the encouragement and support of breastfeeding; the promotion and support of appropriate weaning practices; the strengthening of education, training, and information; the promotion of the health and social status of women; and the appropriate marketing and distribution of breast-milk substitutes;

b) Give renewed attention to the need for adopting national legislation, regulations, or other suitable measures to respond to the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes, and the monitoring of compliance with the Code;

c) Involve all concerned social and economic sectors, nongovernmental agencies, academic institutions, professional associations, and the community as a whole in the implementation of concerted actions for the improvement of infant and young child nutrition, particularly in low-income groups of rural and periurban populations;

d) Give the highest priority to establishing effective systems of ensuring adequate food supplies to infants and young children

2. To request the Director to:

a) Continue full support and cooperation with Member Governments in the design, implementation, and evaluation of national programs for the improvement of infant and young child feeding and maternal nutrition;

b) Give all possible assistance to Member Governments, as and when requested, for the implementation of the International Code, particularly in the preparation of national legislation and regulations related to this matter;

c) Intensify activities in the field of health and nutrition education and in training and information on infant and young child feeding, in particular through primary health care services;

d) Support national studies regarding infant and young child feeding practices, particularly with regard to the prevalence and duration of breastfeeding;

e) Strengthen coordination with other international and bilateral agencies for the mobilization of financial and technical resources in support of national food and nutrition programs;

f) Encourage research within this Region among diverse communities to establish the nutritional requirements of infants at different stages of growth, especially to determine locally the optimum age for weaning and to identify resources available to combat undernutrition before it becomes established.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 66



CD29.R22    The Directing Council,

 Recognizing the important roles played by women both in the home and in the work place;

 Considering that the Organization is capable of providing greater leadership and guidance in the design and implementation of activities related to women in health and development;

 Concerned with the slow rate of progress achieved in the implementation of the Five-Year Regional Plan of Action on Women in Health and Development; and

 Recognizing that success in attaining the goals of the Five-Year Plan of Action largely depends on the full participation of the Member Countries,


1. To urge the Member Government to:

a) Establish more effective mechanisms for the promotion and recognition of women's roles in health and development;

b) Strengthen national policies and programs for the protection and improvement of women's health both in the regulated and unregulated sectors of the economy, and particularly with regard to the health and safety of women in the workplace;

c) Strengthen programs for the prevention, early detection, and treatment of diseases such as breast and cervical cancer, peculiar to women in their reproductive role;

d) Increase the participation of nongovernmental and charitable organizations, as well as community groups that are concerned with women's issues, in the formulation of national health care goals, priorities, and programs;

e) Create more opportunities for women to acquire the skills necessary for professional development, career advancement, and accession to posts of authority, especially in the health and social sectors;

f) Establish mechanisms to identify and nominate more women for professional posts in the Organization;

g) Enact legislation designed to guarantee equal rights for women.

2. To request the Director to:

a) Accord a higher priority to the program for women in heath and development;

b) Promote the measures required to make available the human and financial resources needed to effectively carry out activities to achieve the goals of the Five-Year Regional Plan of Action on Women in Health and Development;

c) Intensify efforts to identify and recruit suitable women candidates for consideration in the selection process for senior and professional posts in the Organization;

d) Ensure that Country Representatives commit themselves to carrying out their functions as focal points for women in health and development in the countries, and thus make persistent efforts to accomplish the purposes of the program;

e) Provide policy guidelines to the Member Governments and the Organization to assist in the implementation of the Five-Year Plan of Action;

f) Ensure closer coordination of PAHO's activities on women in health and development with those of other national and international agencies concerned with women's issues.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 68



CD29.R23    The Directing Council,


In establishing the contributions of Member Governments and Participating Governments, their assessments shall be reduced further by the amount standing to their credit in the Tax Equalization Fund, except that credits of those countries who levy taxes on the emoluments received from the Pan American Health Organization by their nationals and residents shall be reduced by the amounts of such tax reimbursements by PAHO.

3. That, in accordance with the Financial Regulations of PAHO, amounts not exceeding the appropriations noted under paragraph 1 shall be available for the payment of obligations incurred during the period 1 January 1984 to 31 December 1985, inclusive. Notwithstanding the provision of this paragraph, obligations during the financial period 1984–1985 shall be limited to the effective working budget, i.e., Parts I–V.

4. That the Director shall be authorized to transfer credits between parts of the effective working budget, provided that such transfer of credits between parts as are made do not exceed 10% of the part from which the credit is transferred. Transfers of credits between parts of the budget in excess of 10% of the part from which the credit is transferred may be made with the concurrence of the Executive Committee. All transfers of budget credits shall be reported to the Directing Council or the Conference.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 70



CD29.R24    The Directing Council,

 Whereas Member Governments appearing in the scale adopted by the Organization of American States are assessed according to the percentages shown in that scale in compliance with Article 60 of the Pan American Sanitary Code; and

 Whereas other Member Governments and Participating Governments are assessed on the basis of percentages which would be assigned to such countries if they were subject to the OAS scale,


 To establish the assessments of the Member Governments and Participating Governments of the Pan American Health Organization for the financial period 1984–1985 in accordance with the scale of quotas shown below and in the corresponding amounts.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 71



CD29.R25    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the report presented by the Director on the evaluation of the Latin American Center for Educational Technology in Health (CLATES) (Document CD29/16);

 Noting with satisfaction the intense work done by the Center for Educational Technology in Health (NUTES) of Rio de Janeiro Federal University; and

 Considering further the spread of activities in this field throughout the Region,


1. To recognize the success of the Latin American Center for Educational Technology in Health and commend the Pan American Health Organization for its achievement.

2. To take note of and express appreciation for the support that the Government of Brazil has given to the Latin American Center for Educational Technology in Health.

3. To terminate CLATES on 31 December 1983 while continuing the support being provided to NUTES and to activities for educational technology at the regional and national levels.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 73



CD29.R26    The Directing Council

 Having seen the report on the III Inter-American Meeting, at the Ministerial Level, on Animal Health (Document CD29/9),1

 Recognizing that the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Zoonoses Centers perform a fundamental role in the programs of veterinary public health and animal health in the Hemisphere:

 Being aware that the technical cooperation of these two Centers is essential for support to the consolidation of national programs for the prevention, control, and eradication of zoonoses and foot-and-mouth disease;

 Considering that the Representatives of the countries participating in the III Inter-American Meeting, at the Ministerial Level, on Animal Health (RIMSA III) unanimously approved the proposed programs and budgets of the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Zoonoses Centers for 1984–1985 and recommended their approval to the Governing Bodies of PAHO; and

 Having taken note of the special contributions of the Governments of Argentina for the new facilities for the Pan American Zoonoses Center and Brazil for the improvement of the premises of the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center,


1. To take note of the report of the III Inter-American Meeting, at the Ministerial Level, on Animal Health (Document CD29/9).

2. To express appreciation for the important contributions of the two Centers.

3. To commend the Ministers of Agriculture of the Region for the support given to the Centers and for the financial cooperation provided for the execution of specific projects.

4. To thank the Governments of Argentina and Brazil for their valuable contributions to improve the facilities of the two Centers.

5. To support the Director in opening negotiations toward an agreement for cooperation between PAHO and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) on the basis of option D of the study on the possibility of a transfer of the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center, and to request him to report on progress on this subject to the 92nd Meeting of the Executive Committee and the XXX Meeting of the Directing Council.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 74



CD29.R27    The Directing Council,

 Having examined Document CD29/17 and Add. I on the technical and administrative restructuring of the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP);

 Bearing in mind Resolutions III, VII, and VIII approved by the INCAP Council in its XXXIV Meeting, held in Panama City on 19 August 1983;

 Noting the progress made in restructuring the Institute in its scientific and technical aspects and in its administration;

 Bearing in mind that the INCAP Council has requested that the Institute continue to be administered by PAHO under the Basic Agreement signed in December 1953 and in accordance with the new administrative regulations and arrangements approved by the INCAP Council, which were noted by the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference1; and

 Considering that temporary support of the request by the INCAP Council is justified, while maintaining the Organization's policy of working toward a gradual assumption of the administration of Centers by their member countries in the near future,


1. To take note of Resolutions VII and VIII of the XXXIV Meeting of the INCAP Council concerning the restructuring of the Institute.

2. To approve PAHO's continued support to INCAP by temporarily assuming responsibility for the administration of the Institute and, subsequently, appointing its Director and Administrator.

3. To recommend the provision of this administrative support under the Basic Agreement of December 1953 and the new regulations approved by the INCAP Council, and in accordance with the administrative arrangements for the restructuring of the Institute in the spirit of Resolution XXIV of the XXI Pan American Sanitary Conference.

4. To direct that this support of PAHO be provided until such time as the INCAP Council of the Governing Bodies of PAHO decide otherwise.

5. To request the Director to continue the support of PAHO to the operations of INCAP so that it will effectively accomplish its purposes and discharge its responsibilities to its Member Countries toward the provision of improved levels of food and nutrition for their population.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 75



CD29.R28    The Directing Council,

 Having seen the report on the evaluation of the Pan American Center for Human Ecology and Health (ECO) (Document CD29/25);

 Considering the provisions of Resolution XXXI of the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference (1978); and

 Aware of the growing importance of evaluating and dealing with the health problems deriving from environmental pollution, particularly from industrial and agricultural sources,


1. To take note of the external evaluation report on the Pan American Center for Human Ecology and Health (ECO) and to thank the Member Governments that participated in the evaluation process.

2. To thank the Government of Mexico for the constant support it has given to ECO in generous aid and readiness to enable the Center to perform its functions, and to request that this support continue.

3. To commend and thank the Government of Mexico for its decision to provide the physical facilities needed to relocate ECO in the metropolitan area of Mexico City.

4. To request the Member Governments to identify and support the development of national institutions to form with ECO a network of collaborating centers in the Region for the promotion of training, exchange of information, and programs of applied research in the area of human ecology and health.

5. To thank the Director for communicating the report and recommendations of the Evaluation Group to the Directing Council.

6. To request that the Director implement, as the available resources allow, the first option recommended by the Evaluation Group, which is to consolidate ECO as a center capable of meeting the needs presented by the Organization's Member Countries, and that ECO's technical program be focused on the epidemiological and toxicological aspects of the effects on health of the principal chemical pollutants of industrial and agricultural origin.

7. To request the Director to intensify the Organization's efforts to coordinate and complement the work of this Center with that of the Pan American Center for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences (CEPIS) in order to avoid possible duplications of effort between them.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 76



CD29.R29    The Directing Council,

 Having examined the report of the PAHO Advisory Committee on Medical Research1 to the Director; and

 Having noted with interest the description of PAHO's research policy as presented by the Advisory Committee,


1 To commend the PAHO Advisory Committee on Medical Research for its report.

2. To take note of the concerns of the Committee in respect of the problems facing research and researchers in Latin America.

3. To ask the Director to implement the recommendations of the Committee to the extent possible within the resources of the Organization.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 77



CD29.R30    The Directing Council

 Having examined the Report of the Technical Discussions (Document CD29/DT/4) held during the Council Meeting, which had before it Document CD29/DT/1;1

 Aware of the importance of ensuring the availability of essential drugs to all sectors of the population and of the need to identify appropriate administrative, technical, and financial mechanisms to achieve this goal;

 Recalling Resolutions WHA31.32 and WHA35.272 of the World Health Assembly and Resolution XXVII of the XX Pan American Sanitary Conference, which recommended that Member Countries develop comprehensive national drug policies; and

 Noting the restrictions and costs associated with the research, development, and production of drugs and the transfer of appropriate technology to the developing world,


1. To urge Member Governments that have not done so to date to develop intersectoral drug policies linked to priority health needs.

2. To call upon Member Governments to evaluate present production, marketing, quality control, and supply practices with a view to introducing improvements that will permit a reasonable degree of self-sufficiency, control costs, improve distribution channels, and promote appropriate use of drugs.

3. To request the Director to provide, as budgetary resources permit, technical and financial assistance in establishing, in keeping with the recommendations formulated in the Report of the Technical Discussions, a cooperation program at the regional, subregional, and national levels, with a view to advising the Member Governments in all matters relating to the implementation of drug policies and programs.

4. To urge the Director to explore with bilateral and multilateral organizations, foundations, and other private institutions, including pharmaceutical companies and their associations, the possibility of providing the assistance required for the policies and programs referred to in paragraph 3.

5. To request the Director to present to the XXXI Meeting of the Directing Council a report on the progress of the implementation of the Organization's essential drug program.

Sept.–Oct. 1983 OD 192, 78



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